Description :- This contract helps to stake any ERC1155 NFT . it takes two contract address as constructor argument, one is ERC1155NFT contract and another is ERC20 token contract (as the staking contract gives ERC20 as a staking reward).Minimum amount of NFT you can stake is 100 in this contract. User can stake their ERC1155 token , as a staking reward user will get ERC20 tokens (ROI:- 1month=5%APR,6month = 10% APR , 1Year = 15% APR) .
The staking contract is deployed with some ERC20 tokens.
NOTE :- 1. It'll work on any type of ERC20 token, as long as the decimal value is 18. 2. Before staking any token first Approve this contract as a operator, otherwise your transaction will be reverted.
- ERC1155Token contract 0xC34525E0D7188fdA211D27b349B7364933C3AC89 .
contract verified etherscan
- ERC20TOken contract 0xce07a94F963B3f7309BC008f5D729c0d8a349055 .
contract verified etherscan
- Staking address 0xa86450AEa8e4cF2Ff9942757eA2382CdD3272948 .
contract verified etherscan
for rinkeby network
configure hardhat.config.js
run :- npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
All the tests for this staking contract written in test/NFTERC1155Staking.js file.
to run the tests,
- run:- npx hardhat test (from root directory)
NOTE:- Do not forget to change the time period from days to seconds in "_calculateROI" function in NFTERC1155Staking.sol file , otherwise last test will fail