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Following striver A to Z sheet using Javascript programming language.
Step 1-Basics
Step 1.1- Basic concepts regarding of any programming language and time complexity related to DSA.
Step 1.2- Solving Pattern Programming.
Step 1.3- Learn advanced concept regarding your programming language.
Step 1.4- Solving basic math problems.
Step 1.5- Solving common problems using recursion.
Step 1.6- Learning array hashing theory and use ordered and unordered map to solve minimum jump, find highest lowest frequncy from an array, find top k elements from an array.
Step 2- Sorting Technique
Step 2.1- Basic Sorting
Step 2.1.1- Selection Sort
Step 2.1.2- Bubble Sort
Step 2.1.3- Insertion Sort
Step 2.2- Adavanced Sorting
Step 2.2.1- Merge Sort
Step 2.2.2- Recursive Bubble Sort
Step 2.2.3- Recursive Insertion Sort
Step 2.2.4- Quick Sort
Step 3- Arrays
Step 3.1 - easy
Step 3.1.1 - Largest element in an array.
Step 3.1.2 - Second largest element in an array without sorting.
Step 3.1.3 - Check if the array is sorted.
Step 3.1.4 - Remove duplicates from sorted array.
Step 3.1.5 - Left and right rotate an array by one place.
Step 3.1.6- Left and right rotate an array by D places.
Step 3.1.7 - Move zeroes to end.
Step 3.1.8 - Linear Search.
Step 3.1.9 - Find the union and intersection of 2 sorted arrays.
Step 3.1.10 - Find the missing number in an array.
Step 3.1.11 - Maximum consecutive ones.
Step 3.1.12 - Find the number appear once and other number twice.
Step 3.1.13 - Longest subarray with given sum(Positives)
Step 3.1.14 - Longest subarray with given sum(Positives and Negatives)
Step 3.2 - medium
Step 3.2.1- 2 Sum problem
Step 3.2.2- Sort an array of 0s,1s,2s.
Step 3.2.3- Majority Element (>n/2 times)
Step 3.2.4- kadane's Algorithm(maximum subarray sum)
Step 3.2.5- Print the subarray with Maximum sum.
Step 3.2.6- Best time to buy and sell stock
Step 3.3 - hard
From this repo you find striver sheet all problems solved using javascript language.