use jquery ajax upload multiple files in one request
key | type | default value | description |
url | string | null | server receive file url |
maxSize | number | 5 | max file size in MB |
multiple | bool | true | can select and upload multiple files |
separate | bool | false | upload multiple files in separate request |
file | string | file |
the file key,when multiple is false |
auto | bool | true | upload file after selected automatically |
allowExt | array | ['jpg','jpeg','png','gif'] | file type can be upload |
before | function | $.noop | before send ajax callback,can modify data here,received param config |
success | function | $.noop | success callback |
error | function | $.noop | error callback |
always | function | $.noop | request finished callback,no matter success or error |
done | function | $.noop | when all request is finished, useful in separate upload request |
onprogress | function | null | upload process callback |
data | object | null | payload for ajax , server get from key data in POST |
dataType | string | 'json' | same as $.ajax dataType |
processbar | bool | false | show process bar or not |
processContainer | string | null | must set processContainer when use processbar |
action | function | null | used with processbar,click callback function to call |
startBtn | string | null | must set startBtn when auto is false |
fileBox | string | null | query selector, drop file here can upload them |
destroy | bool | false | destroy uploader once upload success |
typeError | string or function | 文件类型不允许! |
alert msg when type not allow |
sizeError | string or function | 超过XXMB,无法上传! |
alert msg when more than maxSize,use XX mean maxSize |
var uploader=$('.btn').uploadFile(
uploader.destroy(); // destroy it
init it twice , no problem , you will got a false rather than an object.
you can send data use the data
key, data will be found in the POST and is formated in json
when multiple is true , you can get all filelist in POST use the key filelist
, which looks like file0,file1,file2
if multiple is false , your file would be post as key file
which can be modified in the config file
when separate is true
//index is the filelist index
//item is the file item
when separate is flase
//only get 2 params
config.fd.append('key','post value ');
//can get all config in the config , but should not modify some important key
use before callback return false to prevet upload
git clone and see demo in index.html
ie8 and ie9 not support input file
to get file info
thus only for ie10+,google,firefox,safai
some upload polyfills for old browsers see