First, add GCM to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[{:gcm, "~> 1.2"}]
and run mix deps.get
. Now, list the :gcm
application as your application dependency:
def application do
[applications: [:gcm]]
A successful push looks like this:
iex> GCM.push("api_key", ["registration_id1", "registration_id2"], %{notification: %{ title: "Hello!"} })
%{body: "...",
canonical_ids: [], failure: 0,
to_be_retried_ids: [],
headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
{"Vary", "Accept-Encoding"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
invalid_registration_ids: [], not_registered_ids: [], status_code: 200, success: 2}}
A successful push may have a list of canonical_ids
which means that you should update your registration id to the new
iex> GCM.push(api_key, ["registration_id1", "registration_id2"])
%{body: "...",
canonical_ids: [%{ old: "registration_id1", new: "new_registration_id1"}], failure: 0,
headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
{"Vary", "Accept-Encoding"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
to_be_retried_ids: [],
invalid_registration_ids: [],
not_registered_ids: [], status_code: 200, success: 2}}
A partial successful push may have not_registered_ids
and/or invalid_registration_ids
A "not registered id" is a registration id that was valid. According to GCM: "An existing registration token may cease to be valid in a number of scenarios..."
An invalid registration is just wrong data.
iex> GCM.push(api_key, ["registration_id1", "registration_id2", "registration_id3"])
%{body: "...",
to_be_retried_ids: [],
canonical_ids: [], failure: 2,
headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
{"Vary", "Accept-Encoding"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
invalid_registration_ids: ["registration_id2"],
not_registered_ids: ["registration_id1"], status_code: 200, success: 1}}
A partial successful push may also have to_be_retried_ids
so that the user can retry these specific registration ids as they failed because the server returned with InternalServerError
or Unavailable
iex> GCM.push(api_key, ["registration_id1", "registration_id2", "registration_id3"])
%{body: "...",
to_be_retried_ids: ["registration_id1", "registration_id3"],
canonical_ids: [], failure: 2,
headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
{"Vary", "Accept-Encoding"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
invalid_registration_ids: [],
not_registered_ids: [], status_code: 200, success: 1}}
The above push failed to deliver to registration_id1
and registration_id3
but succeeded for registration_id2
If the push failed the return is {:error, reason}
where reason will include more information on what failed.
More info here: