Currently focusing on performing Moving Averages on Streaming Market Stock data, but this framework is generally extendable for any Data Engineering, Machine Learning Engineering tasks.
@author: Sudheer Palyam
Design and implement a Scalable, Distributed, Complete solution accepting input data feed and perform ***moving averages*** which helps identifying trends in Stock Market.
As we can see in the output above, Kafka is fed with one message per second (just to demonstrate a slow stream). Spark streaming is set to 3 seconds window, sliding every second. So there will be three messages in each window. Since we are grouping by StockName, in this case AGL. There were two AGL stocks in one sliding window and its aggregates like max, min and avg are computed. So we can observe how Spark Structured Streaming retains messages from previous windows progressing every second. Watermarking is used to limit the state maintenance, as more state to maintain mean more resources utilised.
Moving averages formula provided:
y(n-k+1) = (x(n-k+1) + x(n-k+2 ---- + x*k) * (1 / K)
Where n : Window number
k : number of items in each window
x : item values
From our sample output:
y = ( 436.84 + 698.17) * (1 / 2)
i.e., y = 567.505 <== Moving Window Average value
[Synthetic Stock Events generated: ](data/sample_input.txt)
[Final Moving Averages Output: ](data/sample_output.txt)
Please refer to above for more rolling averages.
1. Partitions with in Topics drives the parallelism of consumers. So increase the number of partitions so that a Spark Consumer Group can process these messages in parallel.
2. Based on throughput requirements one can pick a rough number of partitions.
Lets call the throughput from producer to a single partition is P
Throughput from a single partition to a consumer is C
Target throughput is T
Required partitions = Max (T/P, T/C)
1. Run in Yarn-Client or Yarn-Cluster mode with kafka consumer group set. Set the Number of Kafka Partitions according to number of Spark Executor tasks feasible on the cluster.
2. Appropriate Spark Streaming Watermark configuration.
1. Porting this pipeline to AWS Kinesis Firehose & Analytics will take care of scaling shards automatically and these are also managed serverless services.
Given problem can be implemented in the following architectures, Considering Cost optimization, Reliability, Operational Efficiency, Performance & Security (CROPS):
The problem is a typical time series problem. In this you can see if there's seasonality in the time series. In reality a time series problem one needs to decompose the time series to see whether its additive or multiplicative in nature. Below is the scenario:
Below is one such example :
Usually in a time series we handle 3 scenarios: Seasonality (S) Trend (T) Remainder component (R) For example in a time series for a data point Y, if the above 3 components are additive in nature then its expressed as Y = S + T+ R if this is multiplicative in nature then it would be: Y = S * T * R
We can use following example:
But for now, you can do this in the format:
- Aggregate the data if its from Daily to weekly / monthly levels.
- Perform What if analysis - What if the stock price is going up / down by "X" dollars (maybe 2-3 dollars)
- Check for Stationarity - See if there is any way we can do Dickey fuller test / KS Test in Spark Scala. Usually this is the way we do in a time series data:
- We can also try applying ARIMA Time series models
- Spark Structured Streaming
- File Stream
- Kafka Source
- Kafka Sink
- EventTime
- ProcessingTime
- Watermarks
- Checkpointing
- Sliding Window
- Tumbling Window
- Aggregations/Operations
- Output Modes
- Multiple Stream Queries
- Kafka Producer
Stock Aggregations Unit Tests results page
Download from
start zookeeper:
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ config/
start kafka broker(s):
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ config/
create kafka topics:
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --create --topic "stocks" --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --zookeeper localhost:2181
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --create --topic "stocks_averages" --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --zookeeper localhost:2181
List Topics:
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Delete Topic
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --delete --topic stocks --zookeeper localhost:2181
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic stocks
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic stocks
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic stocks
$<kafka-dir>/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic stocks_averages
Spark Submit Script:
nohup spark-submit \
--deploy-mode client --master yarn \
--executor-cores 4 --executor-memory 6g --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=1G --conf spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead=1G \
--jars $(echo /home/sudheerpalyam/jars/*.jar | tr ' ' ',') \
--class \
/home/sudheerpalyam/jars/stock_stream_processing_2.11-0.1.jar \
--isGlue false \
--mode yarn >> ../logs/stock-spark-$runTime.log &
- Integrate a visualization layer based on Kibana & InfluxDB to continuously stream raw vs moving averages
- Run Kafka & Spark in Yarn/Mesos/DCOS Clustered Mode
- Implement the same pipeline using AWS native Serverless components replacing: Kafka -> AWS Kinesis Streams Spark -> AWS Kinesis Analytics (As there is no serverless equivalent of Spark yet in AWS) Spark Console/Kafka Writer -> AWS Kinesis FireHose Kibana -> AWS QuickSight Scala Kafka Producer -> Kinesis Data Generator
- Dockerize all the workflow components and run it in Container managers like Kubernetes or AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Enhance Unit Tests and perform Code Coverage and eventually DevOps
- SonarQube/Fortify code vulnerability assessment
- Associate a Machine Learning use case which can be facilitated by moving averages.
- Integrate with actual public Stock streams APIs like and perform RealTime rolling averages : (My blog) -- Good blog on Structured Streaming - Structured Streaming Window aggregations - Spark Streaming write to DynamoDB - Kinesis Utils - Dynamo Utils