Sunrise Productions
- Cape Town
This add-on allows you to assemble and compose USD data with Blender data and render it all using various renderers via Hydra.
The visual node editor for nxt, a python layering and sequential execution tool for animation and VFX
Simple Examples to demonstrate how to compile and build USD plugins
Guppy Animation Tools is a collection of tools to help with animation production in Maya.
Converting Disney's Moana Island Scene to USD
Source & macOS binary of USD exporter for SketchUp
Pretty node graph showing dependencies of a USD file
Cross-platform superbuild of OpenOrienteering software dependencies
DreamWorks Animation USD Plugins
This project includes recipes to build Pixar's Universal Scene Description, its Python bindings, and all necessary prerequisites on Mac and Windows
All-inclusive Python cheatsheet
Universal Scene Description (USD) plugin for JetBrains IDEs (PyCharm, CLion, etc...)
Houdini libraries that must be recompiled to use Houdini with a custom build of the USD library.
Blender export addon for Pixar's Universal Scene Description representation