Resy Bot with captcha bypass, proxy support, no rate-limiting
Amazon account generator and toolkit. Built with Go, React, and Wails. For educational purposes ONLY.
Fintrack is a personal finance management app built with React and TypeScript, featuring tools such as React Router, React Pro Sidebar, MUI, Nivo, Formik, and Yup. Manage your finances easily with …
📈 Web tribute to the Tron: Legacy Boardroom Scene
HackerToolkit offers a curated selection of tools designed to enhance your hacking capabilities. This repository not only organizes these tools but provides information about them. Easily install a…
This script recovers the admin password for the NightOwl F6-series of devices, using a documented master password
FREE Amazon BUY Bot is an Add to Cart and Auto Checkout Bot. This auto buying bot can search multiple item repeatedly on the item page using AMAZON_PRODUCT_ID. Once the desired item is available it…