Bus stop Tracking
Description: This project demonstrates the path that a bus takes between two points, the MIT and the Harvard university. Here we will pull data from different bus routes and allow the user to choose their bus route they want to see.
This project requires the skills in javascript and CSS to create the dynamic experience of moving the marker from one bus stop to another bus stop.
File structure and logic:
- Index.html is the main html file that includes/invokes other files.
- Styles.css contains the styling info. We are using a grid that allows us to target certain areas within the layout.
- mapanimation.js is the main file containing the dynamic coding and logic. We track and show an animation on a map. The button is used as a marker to show the movement from starting bus stop to destination bus stop.
- Download the code from git, https://github.com/suhasini-uidev/BusstopTracker
- Make sure all the files are in a directory as listed here: index.html, mapanimation.js and styles.css files in the main folder,
Usage: Open index.html file in any of the browser by dragging and dropping the index.html file into the browser window. You can see the marker moving from the MIT to the Harvard university.
RoadMap: Later I am hoping to improve my code so that I can create at least one or more additional features to this project.
Version: 0.0.1 - Initial Version
License: MIT Xpro Student License Currently unlicensed.