#Poisson Equation Solver
Parallel in-house Solvers:
- Jacobi solver
- Red-Black Gauss-Seidel with successive over relaxation
- Steepest descent
- Conjugate gradient
Code style:
- Written using OOPS in C++.
- To compile parallel solver on local machine machine/cluster: make
- changed - (To compile parallel solver on Cray supercomputer: CC -O3 parallel_poisson.c -o run)
- To run on cluster: qsub pp.sh
- changed - (To run on Cray supercomputer: qsub submit.sh)
- Type plot_output within an octave terminal to see the surface plot of the output or run the python script plot_output.py
Change log:
- Parallelization on distributed memory system using MPI.
- Domain decomposition is done.
- Communication of buffer cells is working now.
- Global residual added now.
- Speedup tested upto 16 processes on local machine.
- Speedup tested upto 720 processes on Cray XC40.
- Red-Black Gauss-Seidel solver added.
Things to do:
- Parllelize Bi-Conjugate Gradient STABilized solver.
- Non-blocking communication is to be tested.
- update report.pptx
- Mesh importing package to be added