This is a sandbox project for demonstrating Reactive Streams support in Spring framework and its ecosystem.
- Reactive Programming with Spring 5(Deprecated)
- Reactive Data Access with Neo4j
- Reactive Data Access with R2dbc
The following table list all sample codes related to the above posts.
name | description |
vanilla | The initial application, includes basic spring-webflux feature, use a main class to start up the application |
vanilla-jetty | Same as vanilla, but use Jetty as target runtime |
vanilla-reactor-netty | Same as vanilla, but use Reactor Netty as target runtime |
vanilla-reactor-netty | Same as vanilla, but use Undertow as target runtime |
java9 | Same as vanilla, Java 9 Flow API support is not ready in Spring 5.0.0.REALESE, planned in 5.0.1, see issue SPR-16052 and the original discussion on stackoverflow |
rxjava | Same as vanilla, but use Rxjava instead of Reactor |
rxjava2 | Same as vanilla, but use Rxjava2 instead of Reactor |
war | Replace the manual bootstrap class in vanilla with Spring ApplicationInitializer , it can be packaged as a war file to be deployed into an external servlet container. |
routes | Use RouterFunction instead of controller in vanilla |
register-bean | Programmatic approach to register all beans in ApplicatonContext at application bootstrap |
data-mongo | Demonstration of Spring Data Mongo reactive support |
data-redis | Demonstration of Spring Data Redis reactive support |
data-cassandra | Demonstration of Spring Data Cassandra reactive support |
data-couchbase | Demonstration of Spring Data Couchbase reactive support |
security | Based on vanilla, add secuirty for spring webflux support |
security-user-properties | Same as secuirty, but use to store users |
security-method | Replace URI based configuration with method level constraints |
security-data-mongo | Based on data-mongo and security, replace with dummy users in hard codes with Mongo driven store |
multipart | Mutipart request handling and file uploading |
multipart-data-mongo | (PENDING)Multipart and file uploading, but data in Mongo via Spring Data Mongo, waitng for Reactive support for GridFsTemplate |
mvc-thymeleaf | Traditinal web mvc application, use Thymeleaf specific Reactive view resolver to render view |
mvc-freemarker | Traditinal web mvc application, use freemarker as template engine, currently it does not have a reactive view resolver |
sse | Server Send Event and json stream example |
websocket | Reactive WebSocket example |
boot | Switch to Spring Boot to get autoconfiguration of spring-webflux , added extra Spring Data Mongo, Spring Security support |
boot-jetty | Same as boot, but use Jetty as target runtime |
boot-tomcat | Same as boot, but use Tomcat as target runtime |
boot-undertow | Same as boot, but use Undertow as target runtime |
boot-routes | Use RouterFunction instead of the general Controller in boot |
boot-freemarker | Same as mvc-freemarker, but based on Spring Boot |
groovy | Same features as boot, but written in groovy |
client | Demonstration of WebClient to shake hands with backend reactive APIs |
kotlin | Same features as boot, but written in kotlin |
kotlin-gradle | Use kotlin functional approach to declare beans and bootstrap the application programatically |
session | (WIP)More features will be added here |
Reactive Streams, official Reactive Streams website
Understanding Reactive types, Spring.IO
The WebFlux framework, Spring Framework Reference Documentation
Reactor Core 3.0 becomes a unified Reactive Foundation on Java 8, Spring.IO
Reactive Spring, Spring.IO
Three parts of Notes on Reactive Programming by Dave Syer:
Kotlin extensions for MongoOperations and ReactiveMongoOperations
I appreciate all contribution from the community, not limited to reporting bugs, filing an issue, etc.
Specials thanks for Jetbrains's support by contributing an open-source license.