Name changed from Lend-A-Hand to Handy Hero
Handy Hero is a website that helps you to find help for your daily issues. Imagine if you have a hard time finding a reliable painter, we got you covered.
You have some where to go urgently, but can't find a babysitter? You can search our database in a matter of seconds and hopefully find a good babysitter, to take care of your little guy until you are home.
If you are concerned about the safety don't be. We make sure each and every helper in our platform put correct information. We have their NIC numbers, address and ages stored.
In the other hand if you are willing to help someone and earn some cash. This is a great opportunity. You can get registered and advertise yourself to get clients. Don't worry about your safety. We always make sure to record information about users like NIC, address, when the order is made and how things are going.
We are still in the early stages of development. Further updates will be displayed in this page in due course.
If you want further information about our project, you are free to read our SRS document. We will update through out the requirement gathering phase.