New York
- American
This is a rep that uses tensorrt deployment under ros to accelerate yolo target detection. It currently supports depth cameras to obtain three-dimensional coordinates, ordinary cameras to obtain ta…
A ROS package that extracts line segments from LaserScan messages.
2D Visualization Library for use with the ROS JavaScript Libraries
C++ implementation to Detect, track and classify multiple objects using LIDAR scans or point cloud
(DO NOT USE THIS YET, SEE: https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/issues/179) This is a ROS package for integrating the ros_control controller architecture with the Gazebo simulator.
Generic and simple controls framework for ROS 2
agilexrobotics / ugv_sdk
Forked from westonrobot/ugv_sdkC++ SDK for Mobile Robot Platforms
This repository ROS package is suit for scout 2 and scout mini
html5 canvas display ROI draw ROI and node edit
Autonomous Clean robot. Full coverage path planner and exploration.
Full coverage path planning provides a move_base_flex plugin that can plan a path that will fully cover a given area
Robot Navigation Tutorials for Move Base Flex (MBF)
web-based visualization libraries
sukai33 / cob_common
Forked from neobotix/cob_commoncob_common for neobotix mpo_700
sukai33 / xju-robot
Forked from Mr-Tony921/xju-robotxju robot project for algorithm teaching.
Neobotix localization package, a more accurate alternative to AMCL.
sukai33 / proxygen
Forked from facebook/proxygenA collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
Crow is very fast and easy to use C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask)