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Starred repositories
A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.NET 6 and newer.
Emulated Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) server-side interface.
A .NET implementation of RTMP live streaming server, supporting HTTP-FLV, WebSocket-FLV, HLS, Kubernetes, cloud storage services integration and more.
🍃spring-rs is a application framework written in rust inspired by java's spring-boot
🚀 Reusable template for building REST Web Services in Rust. Uses Axum HTTP web framework and SeaORM
A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
ASP.Net Core, SSH.Net, WebSockets and xTerm.js POC
Shared to msvcrt.dll or ucrtbase.dll and optimize the C/C++ application file size.
Lightweight template engine for creating Word documents
用Rust实现仿nginx,力争实现一个可替代方案,http/https代理, socks5代理, 负载均衡, 反向代理, 静态文件服务器,四层TCP/UDP转发,websocket转发, 内网穿透nat
A simple,high performance and secure live media server in pure Rust (RTMP[cluster]/RTSP/WebRTC[whip/whep]/HTTP-FLV/HLS).🦀
Single label image classification based on deep learning: Using the Blood Cell dataset, engineering decoupling facilitates management
Compile time decorator pattern via IL rewriting
Scalar is an open-source API platform: 🌐 Modern Rest API Client 📖 Beautiful API References …
OpenAPI/Swagger UI document, quickly generate mock params and call api, also simplified postman tool. 基于 OpenAPI/Swagger 规范的接口文档,快速模拟请求参数并调用接口,也是简化版 postman 工具,欢迎提功能请求、bug
FastGateway 一个超级简单方便的网关,基于Kestrel+Yarp实现的网关。 支持动态配置路由,支持动态配置集群,支持动态配置HTTPS证书,无需重启即可使用。
FusionCache is an easy to use, fast and robust hybrid cache with advanced resiliency features.
Tools, templates, and packages to accelerate building observable, production-ready apps