An open source JavaScript CNF-SAT solver (based on a simple version of DPLL algorithm).
This project was created as part of a student project. Its point is clearly not to performing the fastest SAT solving, but it should works in most use cases.
Download one of two files (sat-solver-min.js
is just smaller than sat-solver.js
), then load it up with the following line:
<script src="suku-sat-solver-min.js"></script>
<script src="suku-sat-solver.js"></script>
Setting up a trivial DIMACS string
let dimacsString =
"p cnf 2 2\n" +
"1 0\n" +
"1 2 0"
Getting an object the SAT Solver will use in order to find (or not) a solution to the given clauses set
let satClausesObj = dimacsStringToClauses(dimacsString);
The function returns a boolean according to the satisfiability of the clauses set ; Solution will be contained into an array of the global variable SATSOLVER_GLOBALS (here results are displayed into the web browser JavaScript console)
if(satClausesObj) {
let result = resolutionDPLL(satClausesObj);
if(result) {
} else {
console.log("The set of clauses is unsatisfiable");
} else {
console.log("DIMACS string not valid");