emotion-responsive robot using Python and a Raspberry Pi, integrating servo motor control and sound playback. The robot can display emotions such as happiness, anger, and sadness based on touch and vibration inputs, demonstrating the versatility of Python in creating dynamic and expressive human-robot interactions
Before running the code, make sure you have the following libraries installed:
You can install these libraries using:
pip install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit RPi.GPIO Pillow
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ChamodP/Companion-Robot.git
- Change to the project directory:
cd emotion-bot
- Run the code:
python your_main_file.py
- Connect the necessary hardware components (servos, sensors) to your Raspberry Pi.
- Ensure that the required dependencies are installed.
- Run the main Python script to start the Emotion Bot.