RealChat is a real-time chat application built with Django and Django Channels. It supports user authentication, message storage, and real-time messaging.
- User Signup and Login, LogOut
- Real-time messaging using WebSockets
- Display online users
- Message history
- Python 3.10+
- Django 4.2+
- Django Channels 4.0+
Clone the repository:
git clone cd RealChat
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply the migrations:
python3 makemigrations python3 migrate
Create A SuperUser:
python createsuperuser
Run the development server:
python3 runserver
The project structure is organized as follows:
Chatter/: This directory contains the Django app for the chat functionality.
- migrations/: Directory for Django database migrations.
- Python package initialization file.
- Configuration for Django admin interface.
- Configuration for Django app.
- WebSocket consumer for handling chat functionality.
- Definition of Django models for message storage.
- Routing configuration for WebSocket connections.
- Unit tests for the app.
- URL configuration for the app.
- Views for rendering HTML templates and handling HTTP requests.
RealChat/: This directory contains the Django project settings and configuration.
- Python package initialization file.
- ASGI configuration for running the WebSocket server.
- Django project settings.
- URL configuration for the project.
- WSGI configuration for running the Django development server.
static/: Directory for static files and images.
templates/: Directory for HTML templates.
- Django project management script for administrative tasks.
requirements.txt: File listing all Python dependencies required to run the project.
- Project documentation file.
- Open your browser and navigate to the homepage.
- Click on the Sign Up link or navigate to the sign-up page.
- Fill in the required details such as username, email, password, and confirm your password.
- Click the Sign Up button to create your account.
- Navigate to the login page.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click the Log In button to access your account.
- Once logged in, you will be redirected to the chat home page.
- The chat home page displays a list of connected users who are online.
- If no users are connected, you will see a message indicating that no users are available.
- To test the messaging feature, open a different browser or an incognito window and repeat the sign-up and login process with a different username.
- Reload the browser to ensure the list of online users is updated.
- On the chat home page, click on the username of the user you want to chat with.
- This will open a chat window where you can send and receive messages.
- Type your message in the chat input field and press Enter or click the Send button to send the message.
- The message will be displayed in the chat window.
- To see messages from other users, reload the browser.
- You can repeat the process of signing up, logging in, and chatting from different browsers or devices to simulate a real-time chat environment with multiple users.
- Sign up with username1.
- Log in with username1.
- Access chat home.
- Sign up with username2.
- Log in with username2.
- Access chat home.
- In Browser 1, click on username2 and send a message.
- Reload Browser 2 to see the message from username1.
- In Browser 2, reply to the message from username1.
- Reload Browser 1 to see the reply from username2.
Run unit tests:
python3 test Chatter