Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL scenes with ease.
An Animusic-inspired machine that plays classical music with marbles.
Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
An open sourced markdown note-taking application for Android.
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
A new frame for decode QR code and bar code on Android. It's faster, simpler and more accurate.
One of the hardest Android APIs made into a high level and easy to use library that solves all of your problems.
Library for Android Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
With Scaling Layout scale your layout on user interaction.
🐉 Android app to demo dlib-android( Use the prebuilt shared-lib built from dlib-android
Real-time Filter Camera&VideoRecorder And ImageEditor With Face Beauty For Android---包含美颜等40余种实时滤镜相机,可拍照、录像、图片修改
Android filters based on OpenGL (idea from GPUImage for iOS)
基于retorfit2,Rxjva2,Okhttp3,Glide,Dagger2,GreenDAO等框架采用MVP架构的仿应用商店App kotlin实现的干货集中营Android客户端 Kotlin Dagger Databinding Rxjava Retrofit Okhttp3
An Android library that provides views using openGL canvas to draw things on SurfaceView or TextureView.
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
📕 "任阅" 网络小说阅读器,3D翻页效果、txt/pdf/epub书籍阅读、Wifi传书~
Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
A little more fun for the pull-to-refresh interaction.
Augmented reality (AR) development resources(增强现实开发资源汇总)---AIRX整理
An abnormal horizontal ListView-like pile layout with stretch and contraction effects.