it is suprising how many programs are making dns requests. its even more surprising how many domains the typical website resolves. most importantly, it should be easy to monitor and control inbound and outbound connections from one's workstation.
an interactive firewall for inbound and outbound connections, with visual, keyboard controlled prompts.
the firewall rules are global, but the interactive prompt always shows the pid/path/args of the program requesting the connection.
based on the excellent opensnitch and it's brilliant use of libnetfilter_queue.
everything in
is a seperate component, with seperate dependencies. you can run them independently to make sure dependencies are correctly installed. -
put tinysnitch/bin
on your $PATH
add the iptable rules with: tinysnitch-iptables-add
you probably want to save those rules and have them loaded on system startup.
tinysnitchd must be launched with sudo as a user process, so the subprocess pyqt5 prompts can actually show up on your screen.
either run it in a background terminal: sudo -E tinysnitchd
or automatically run it with cron: * * * * * sudo -E auto-restart tinysnitchd 2>&1 | rotate-logs /tmp/tinynitchd.log
auto-restart and rotate-logs are not required, but are handy.
rules are stored in /etc/tinysnitch.rules
. after editing the rules file, restart tinysnitchd
and it will be reloaded.