This repository provides a practical demonstration of integrating Nango into your codebase. It includes Syncs scripts, a backend API for managing Nango's webhooks, and a straightforward frontend for user interaction and data retrieval.
Store workspace contact information (User ID, Full Name) in PostgreSQL. When completed, you should see a list of IDs and full names of people in your workspace, followed by a 'Send' message button on your frontend. Scroll to the end to see this update.
Folder nango-integrations To use Nango you need some integrations, this folder (setup with our CLI) contains the scripts that will fetch your users’ data.
Folder back-end To ingegrate with Nango you need a backend that will listen to Nango’s webhooks and interact with our API.
Folder front-end Finally to let your user connect to your integration you need a frontend and call to our auth library.
To use this demo you will need:
- An account on
- NodeJS
- Docker
- Slack OAuth app with Bot Token Scopes
git clone
cd sample-app
# Use the right NodeJS version
nvm use
# Setup the repo
npm i
# Add your Nango Secret Key
cp .env.example .env
# Add your Nango Public Key
cp front-end/.env.example front-end/.env
# ---- Setup nango
npm install -g nango
cd nango-integrations/
nango init
# Add your Nango Secret Key in NANGO_SECRET_KEY_PROD (wait for the console prompt)
code .env
nango deploy prod
# Proxy the webhooks
# Copy the <URL>/webhooks-from-nango in your environment settings
# This should be kept running
npm run webhooks-proxy
# Launch
npm run start
Go to: http://localhost:3000
# Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can check by running:
node -v
nvm -v
# In back-end, install Slack SDK for Node.js
npm install @slack/web-api
# Navigate to back-end and set slack bot token (should start with 'xoxb-')
# Run the script in src folder
node src/fetchUsers.js
npm run webhooks-proxy
npm run start