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Adding a benchmark for websockets
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It is often helpful to measure the performance of connections, e.g. the
latency and the throughput. This can be performed through benchmarks.


This adds a simple but configurable benchmark for websockets into the
example directory. The Netty WebSocket server will echo all received
websocket frames and will provide an HTML/JS page which serves as the
client for the benchmark.
The benchmark also provides a verification mode that verifies the sent
against the received data. This can be used for the verification ob
websocket frame encoding and decoding funtionality.


A benchmark is added in form a further Netty websocket example.
With this benchmark it is easily possible to measure the performance between Netty and a browser
  • Loading branch information
Matthias247 authored and normanmaurer committed Oct 13, 2014
1 parent 30db808 commit cbf5296
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.example.http.websocketx.benchmarkserver;

import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import io.netty.handler.logging.LogLevel;
import io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.util.SelfSignedCertificate;

* A Benchmark application for websocket which is served at:
* http://localhost:8080/websocket
* Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/, then the benchmark page will be loaded and a Web Socket connection will
* be made automatically.
public final class WebSocketServer {

static final boolean SSL = System.getProperty("ssl") != null;
static final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("port", SSL? "8443" : "8080"));

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Configure SSL.
final SslContext sslCtx;
if (SSL) {
SelfSignedCertificate ssc = new SelfSignedCertificate();
sslCtx = SslContext.newServerContext(ssc.certificate(), ssc.privateKey());
} else {
sslCtx = null;

EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1);
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)
.childHandler(new WebSocketServerInitializer(sslCtx));

Channel ch = b.bind(PORT).sync().channel();

System.out.println("Open your web browser and navigate to " +
(SSL? "https" : "http") + "://" + PORT + '/');

} finally {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
* Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.example.http.websocketx.benchmarkserver;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;

* Generates the benchmark HTML page which is served at http://localhost:8080/
public final class WebSocketServerBenchmarkPage {

private static final String NEWLINE = "\r\n";

public static ByteBuf getContent(String webSocketLocation) {
return Unpooled.copiedBuffer(
"<html><head><title>Web Socket Performance Test</title></head>" + NEWLINE +
"<body>" + NEWLINE +
"<h2>WebSocket Performance Test</h2>" + NEWLINE +
"<label>Connection Status:</label>" + NEWLINE +
"<label id=\"connectionLabel\"></label><br />" + NEWLINE +

"<form onsubmit=\"return false;\">" + NEWLINE +
"Message size:" +
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"messageSize\" value=\"1024\"/><br>" + NEWLINE +
"Number of messages:" +
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"nrMessages\" value=\"100000\"/><br>" + NEWLINE +
"Data Type:" +
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" id=\"typeText\" value=\"text\" checked>text" +
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" id=\"typeBinary\" value=\"binary\">binary<br>" + NEWLINE +
"Mode:<br>" + NEWLINE +
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" id=\"modeSingle\" value=\"single\" checked>" +
"Wait for response after each messages<br>" + NEWLINE +
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" id=\"modeAll\" value=\"all\">" +
"Send all messages and then wait for all responses<br>" + NEWLINE +
"<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"verifiyResponses\">Verify responded messages<br>" + NEWLINE +
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"Start Benchmark\"" + NEWLINE +
" onclick=\"startBenchmark()\" />" + NEWLINE +
"<h3>Output</h3>" + NEWLINE +
"<textarea id=\"output\" style=\"width:500px;height:300px;\"></textarea>" + NEWLINE +
"<br>" + NEWLINE +
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"Clear\" onclick=\"clearText()\">" + NEWLINE +
"</form>" + NEWLINE +

"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + NEWLINE +
"var benchRunning = false;" + NEWLINE +
"var messageSize = 0;" + NEWLINE +
"var totalMessages = 0;" + NEWLINE +
"var rcvdMessages = 0;" + NEWLINE +
"var isBinary = true;" + NEWLINE +
"var isSingle = true;" + NEWLINE +
"var verifiyResponses = false;" + NEWLINE +
"var benchData = null;" + NEWLINE +
"var startTime;" + NEWLINE +
"var endTime;" + NEWLINE +
"var socket;" + NEWLINE +
"var output = document.getElementById('output');" + NEWLINE +
"var connectionLabel = document.getElementById('connectionLabel');" + NEWLINE +
"if (!window.WebSocket) {" + NEWLINE +
" window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket;" + NEWLINE +
'}' + NEWLINE +
"if (window.WebSocket) {" + NEWLINE +
" socket = new WebSocket(\"" + webSocketLocation + "\");" + NEWLINE +
" socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';" + NEWLINE +
" socket.onmessage = function(event) {" + NEWLINE +
" if (verifiyResponses) {" + NEWLINE +
" if (isBinary) {" + NEWLINE +
" if (!( instanceof ArrayBuffer) || " + NEWLINE +
" != benchData.byteLength) {" + NEWLINE +
" onInvalidResponse(benchData,;" + NEWLINE +
" return;" + NEWLINE +
" } else {" + NEWLINE +
" var v = new Uint8Array(;" + NEWLINE +
" for (var j = 0; j < benchData.byteLength; j++) {" + NEWLINE +
" if (v[j] != benchData[j]) {" + NEWLINE +
" onInvalidResponse(benchData,;" + NEWLINE +
" return;" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" } else {" + NEWLINE +
" if ( != benchData) {" + NEWLINE +
" onInvalidResponse(benchData,;" + NEWLINE +
" return;" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" rcvdMessages++;" + NEWLINE +
" if (rcvdMessages == totalMessages) {" + NEWLINE +
" onFinished();" + NEWLINE +
" } else if (isSingle) {" + NEWLINE +
" socket.send(benchData);" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" };" + NEWLINE +
" socket.onopen = function(event) {" + NEWLINE +
" connectionLabel.innerHTML = \"Connected\";" + NEWLINE +
" };" + NEWLINE +
" socket.onclose = function(event) {" + NEWLINE +
" benchRunning = false;" + NEWLINE +
" connectionLabel.innerHTML = \"Disconnected\";" + NEWLINE +
" };" + NEWLINE +
"} else {" + NEWLINE +
" alert(\"Your browser does not support Web Socket.\");" + NEWLINE +
'}' + NEWLINE +
"function onInvalidResponse(sent,recvd) {" + NEWLINE +
" socket.close();" + NEWLINE +
" alert(\"Error: Sent data did not match the received data!\");" + NEWLINE +
"}" + NEWLINE +
"function clearText() {" + NEWLINE +
" output.value=\"\";" + NEWLINE +
"}" + NEWLINE +
"function createBenchData() {" + NEWLINE +
" if (isBinary) {" + NEWLINE +
" benchData = new Uint8Array(messageSize);" + NEWLINE +
" for (var i=0; i < messageSize; i++) {" + NEWLINE +
" benchData[i] += Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" } else { " + NEWLINE +
" benchData = \"\";" + NEWLINE +
" for (var i=0; i < messageSize; i++) {" + NEWLINE +
" benchData += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * (123 - 65) + 65));" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
"}" + NEWLINE +
"function startBenchmark(message) {" + NEWLINE +
" if (!window.WebSocket || benchRunning) { return; }" + NEWLINE +
" if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {" + NEWLINE +
" isBinary = document.getElementById('typeBinary').checked;" + NEWLINE +
" isSingle = document.getElementById('modeSingle').checked;" + NEWLINE +
" verifiyResponses = document.getElementById('verifiyResponses').checked;" + NEWLINE +
" messageSize = parseInt(document.getElementById('messageSize').value);" + NEWLINE +
" totalMessages = parseInt(document.getElementById('nrMessages').value);" + NEWLINE +
" if (isNaN(messageSize) || isNaN(totalMessages)) return;" + NEWLINE +
" createBenchData();" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + '\\nStarting Benchmark';" + NEWLINE +
" rcvdMessages = 0;" + NEWLINE +
" benchRunning = true;" + NEWLINE +
" startTime = new Date();" + NEWLINE +
" if (isSingle) {" + NEWLINE +
" socket.send(benchData);" + NEWLINE +
" } else {" + NEWLINE +
" for (var i = 0; i < totalMessages; i++) socket.send(benchData);" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
" } else {" + NEWLINE +
" alert(\"The socket is not open.\");" + NEWLINE +
" }" + NEWLINE +
'}' + NEWLINE +
"function onFinished() {" + NEWLINE +
" endTime = new Date();" + NEWLINE +
" var duration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + '\\nTest took: ' + duration + 's';" + NEWLINE +
" var messagesPerS = totalMessages / duration;" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + '\\nPerformance: ' + messagesPerS + ' Messages/s';" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + ' in each direction';" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + '\\nRound trip: ' + 1000.0/messagesPerS + 'ms';" + NEWLINE +
" var throughput = messageSize * totalMessages / duration;" + NEWLINE +
" var throughputText;" + NEWLINE +
" if (isBinary) throughputText = throughput / (1024*1024) + ' MB/s';" + NEWLINE +
" else throughputText = throughput / (1000*1000) + ' MChars/s';" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + '\\nThroughput: ' + throughputText;" + NEWLINE +
" output.value = output.value + ' in each direction';" + NEWLINE +
" benchRunning = false;" + NEWLINE +
"}" + NEWLINE +
"</script>" + NEWLINE +
"</body>" + NEWLINE +
"</html>" + NEWLINE, CharsetUtil.US_ASCII);

private WebSocketServerBenchmarkPage() {
// Unused

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