1、Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance
2、Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
1、Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python
2、Learning OpenCV3
3、Programming Computer Vision with Python
4、计算机算法与应用 中文版
1、Data Science from Scratch First Principles with Python
2、Deep Learning with Python
3、Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
4、Machine Learning- An Algorithmic Perspective
5、Python for Data Analysis
6、机器学习 周志华西瓜书
7、深度学习 中文版
9、Machine Learning Yearing-1-52
10、Introduction to Boosted Trees Slides by Tianqi Chen
1、500 Lines or Less
2、Core Python Applications Programming 3rd Edition
3、Effective Python 编写高质量Python代码的59个有效方法
4、Fluent Python
5、Introducing Python Modern Computing in Simple_Packages
6、Natural Language Processing With Python
7、Python参考手册 第四版
8、Python核心编程 第三版
11、Web Scrapping with Python
1、Effective C++ 中文第三版
2、Effective Modern C++
1、Effective Java 3rd edition
2、Thinking in Java 4th edition
3、阿里巴巴Java开发手册 终极版