(UTC +08:00) - hui.zone
Debug remotely and easily like chrome devtools.
🎈 Owl Admin : 基于 laravel 和 amis 开发的后台框架, 友好的组件使用体验, 可轻松实现复杂页面, 内置代码生成器, 让开发者快速搭建后台管理系统
⚡ The most powerful PowerShell module for fine-tuning Windows
Powerful Web Server and Environment Manager. Support macOS / Windows / Linux
Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility
整理记录各个包管理器,系统镜像,以及常用软件的好用镜像,Thanks Mirror。 走过路过,如觉不错,麻烦点个赞👆🌟
Extract JavaScript source trees from Sourcemap files
🔥🔥🔥 强大的低代码动态表单组件,通过JSON数据驱动表单渲染,适配移动端,支持可视化设计。提高开发者对表单的开发效率。目前在政务系统、OA系统、ERP系统、电商系统、流程管理等系统中已稳定应用。
uv-ui 破釜沉舟之兼容vue3+2、app、h5、小程序等多端基于uni-app和uView2.x的生态框架,支持单独导入,开箱即用,利剑出击。
Foundational Models for State-of-the-Art Speech and Text Translation
Uninstall Microsoft Edge silently, through an executable or batch script.
Content data parser for Ridibooks services
ePub viewer with dictionary, themes, search, offline support, and more
This GitHub Action creates a GitHub contribution calendar on a 3D profile image.
✍ A static page rendered with the Memos API.
A book explain a complete http request's life cycle in laravel framework.
xy coordinates of a textarea or input's caret