This network use Hyperledger besu and Tessera for using to send private transaction to the node that want privacy in blockchain network that mean another node in network can't see private transaction and setting privacy transaction to multi-tenant network
private transaction diagram (Low level)
breifly recap!
private transaction on hyperledger besu is integration with tessera. tessera will use the same key pair as besu node and decrypt transaction with signature solution and send to tessera endpoint node that we want to do some private transaction by P2P network. when finished P2P process tessera will return transaction to besu node that return transaction call enclave transaction. besu node will be sending transaction to next process call minning for distribute transaction to all nodes when transaction distributed the only node that can be read data in enclave transaction is endpoint node
example Web3Quorum sending transaction
const Web3 = require("web3");
const Web3Quorum = require("web3js-quorum");
const web3 = new Web3Quorum(new Web3("")) // besu endpoint network
const contractOption = {
data: '0x123',// conrtract byte code
privateFrom: "tesseraNode1Publickey", //tesseraNode1Publickey
privateFor: ["tesseraNode2PublicKey"], //tesseraNode2PublicKey
privateKey: "besuNode1PrivateKey" //besuNode1PrivateKey
user that need to access to tenant will authentication in besu provide 2 way to authenticate that is username password and JWT when finished of authentication user will resolve token to use for request api data in tenant
install besu and tessera
$ brew install besu
$ brew install libsodium
Download tessera distribute from
$ tar xvf tessera-[version].tar
$ export PATH=$PATH:tessera-[version]/bin
$ tessera help
or move tessera directory to network directory and use
$ ../../tessera-22.1.7/bin/tessera help
start besu node
$ besu --data-path=data --genesis-file=../genesis.json [--option]
hyperledger besu private network option
start tessera node
$ tessera -configfile tessera.conf
$ ../../tessera-22.1.7/bin/tessera -configfile tessera.conf
What you prepare for authenticatate
- Type of secret key
- Payload
- secret key
secert key (RSA)
openssl genrsa -out privateRSAKey.pem 2048
public RSA key
openssl rsa -pubout -in privateRSAKey.pem -pubout -out publicRSAKey.pem
{ "permissions":["*:*"],
"exp": 1600899999002
generate JWT token
example out put
example to use token
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"<API_METHOD>","params":[],"id":1}' <JSON-RPC-http-hostname:port>
you can use in postman for easily way