Course on deep learning and it's applications in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing
A repo to show how to create clinical trial word vector baseline models for indexing sentences for question/answer systems.
Documents, papers and codes related to Natural Language Processing, including Topic Model, Word Embedding, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classificatin, Text Generation, Text Similarity, Machine Tr…
pytorch实现 Bert 做seq2seq任务,使用unilm方案,现在也可以做自动摘要,文本分类,情感分析,NER,词性标注等任务,支持t5模型,支持GPT2进行文章续写。
USING BERT FOR Attribute Extraction in KnowledgeGraph. fine-tuning and feature extraction. 使用基于bert的微调和特征提取方法来进行知识图谱百度百科人物词条属性抽取。
Google search from Python (unofficial).
In Week 11 we discussed about Recurrent Neural Networks and Long-Short-Term memory cells. Then we started building a chatbot. As the initial part we discussed about the Word2Vec Algorithm and imple…
Python 3 與數據分析概要
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Self-Organizing Maps
Analytics and data science business case studies to identify opportunities and inform decisions about products and features. Topics include Markov chains, A/B testing, customer segmentation, and ma…
Unsupervised learning model of research topics over the past 5 years relating to microbiomes
A curated list of resources for Chinese NLP 中文自然语言处理相关资料
Chinese, English NER, English-Chinese machine translation dataset. 中英文实体识别数据集,中英文机器翻译数据集, 中文分词数据集
Sentiment Analysis for Arabic Text (tweets, reviews, and standard Arabic) using word2vec
Tools for mapping a sentence with arbitrary length to vector space
Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive lea…
Basic Machine Learning and Deep Learning
superf2t / Py_Django
Forked from DamjanStefanovski/Py_DjangoDjango with MongoDB and SQLite3
superf2t / Python-Spider
Forked from lb2281075105/Python-Spider豆瓣电影top250、斗鱼爬取json数据以及爬取美女图片、淘宝、有缘、CrawlSpider爬取红娘网相亲人的部分基本信息以及红娘网分布式爬取和存储redis、爬虫小demo、Selenium、爬取多点、django开发接口、爬取有缘网信息
superf2t / timeliner
Forked from technotarek/timelinerjQuery plugin to make an interactive, historical timeline
Spring Batch is a framework for writing batch applications using Java and Spring
A scraper which scrapes the facebook insights API