tinyrpc is a high-performance RPC framework based on protocol buffer
encoding. It is based on net/rpc
and supports multiple compression formats (gzip
, snappy
, zlib
at first :http://github.com/google/protobuf/releases -
go install github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
go install github.com/zehuamama/tinyrpc/protoc-gen-tinyrpc
Fisrt, create a demo:
go mod init demo
create a protobuf file arith.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package message;
option go_package="/message";
// ArithService Defining Computational Digital Services
service ArithService {
// Add addition
rpc Add(ArithRequest) returns (ArithResponse);
// Sub subtraction
rpc Sub(ArithRequest) returns (ArithResponse);
// Mul multiplication
rpc Mul(ArithRequest) returns (ArithResponse);
// Div division
rpc Div(ArithRequest) returns (ArithResponse);
message ArithRequest {
int32 a = 1;
int32 b = 2;
message ArithResponse {
int32 c = 1;
an arithmetic operation service is defined here, using protoc
to generate code:
protoc --tinyrpc_out=. arith.proto --go_out=. arith.proto
at this time, two files will be generated in the directory message
: arith.pb.go
and arith.svr.go
the code of arith.svr.go is as follows:
// Code generated by protoc-gen-tinyrpc.
package message
// ArithService Defining Computational Digital Services
type ArithService struct{}
// Add addition
func (this *ArithService) Add(args *ArithRequest, reply *ArithResponse) error {
// define your service ...
return nil
// Sub subtraction
func (this *ArithService) Sub(args *ArithRequest, reply *ArithResponse) error {
// define your service ...
return nil
// Mul multiplication
func (this *ArithService) Mul(args *ArithRequest, reply *ArithResponse) error {
// define your service ...
return nil
// Div division
func (this *ArithService) Div(args *ArithRequest, reply *ArithResponse) error {
// define your service ...
return nil
We can define our services.
Then create a tinyrpc server, the code is as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8082")
if err != nil {
server := tinyrpc.NewServer()
server.RegisterName("ArithService", new(message.ArithService))
We can create a tinyrpc client and call it synchronously with the Add
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8082")
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
client := tinyrpc.NewClient(conn)
resq := message.ArithRequest{A: 20, B: 5}
resp := message.ArithResponse{}
err = client.Call("ArithService.Add", &resq, &resp)
you can also call asynchronously, which will return *rpc.Call:
result := client.AsyncCall("ArithService.Add", &resq, &resp)
select {
case call := <-result:
log.Printf("Arith.Add(%v, %v): %v ,Error: %v", resq.A, resq.B, resp.C, call.Error)
case <-time.After(100 * time.Microsecond):
log.Fatal("time out")
of course, you can also compress the encoding, tinyrpc currently supports gzip
, snappy
, zlib
import "github.com/zehuamama/tinyrpc/compressor"
// ...
client := tinyrpc.NewClient(conn, tinyrpc.WithCompress(compressor.Gzip))
resq := pb.ArithRequest{A: 4, B: 15}
resp := pb.ArithResponse{}
err = client.Call("ArithService.Mul", &resq, &resp)