HOOPS Communicator Web Viewer Client
A solution to visualize and explore 3D models in your browser.
An optimized implementation of librsync in pure Rust.
Clarity is a scalable, accessible, customizable, open-source design system built with web components. Works with any JavaScript framework, created for enterprises, and designed to be inclusive.
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
A set of development and reference tools for creating software that is compatible with the UPnP specifications.
Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths
Organized bookmarks to Win32API posts of Raymond Chen's blog "The Old New Thing".
golang library for rtmp, mpeg-ts,mpeg-ps,flv,mp4,ogg,rtsp
m3u8视频下载工具, 提供windows/macos图形界面, 下载后自动将ts文件合并、转换格式为mp4
An objective comparison of multiple frameworks that allow us to "transform" our web apps to desktop applications.
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.
This repo contains samples that demonstrate the API used in Windows classic desktop applications.
Tutorial: Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser
Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
A simple showcase how to create a simple OS X app in plain C without any Objective-C
Read the values of the Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Temperature sensor 2 including custom encrypted format.
Utilities for chinese in LaTeX. Create practise sheets, dialogs, character explanations and more. There are PDFs included which may be useful to regular users.