- Sydney, Australia
(UTC +11:00) - https://suranyami.com
suranyami / ch0p1n
Forked from flujoo/ch0p1nPython Package for Automatic Musical Composition
Matrix SDK for Elixir
simple-navigation-bootstrap is a simple-navigation renderer for twitter-bootstrap navigation and dropdowns.
suranyami / awesome_print
Forked from awesome-print/awesome_printPretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
suranyami / taps
Forked from ricardochimal/tapssimple database import/export app
suranyami / itunes-library
Forked from kylewelsby/itunes-libraryWrapper around iTunes Library.xml
suranyami / mongoid-site
Forked from mongoid/mongoid-siteSource code for mongoid.org
suranyami / babushka
Forked from benhoskings/babushkaTest-driven sysadmin.
suranyami / vimeo
Forked from matthooks/vimeoA full featured Ruby implementation of the Vimeo API
suranyami / geocoder
Forked from alexreisner/geocoderComplete Ruby geocoding solution.
suranyami / MagicBallDemo
Forked from ianp/MagicBallDemoRubyMotion and Interface Builder demo.
suranyami / backbone
Forked from jashkenas/backboneGive your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
suranyami / laptop
Forked from thoughtbot/laptopLaptop is a set of scripts to get your Mac OS X laptop set up as a development machine.
A Rails FormBuilder DSL for generating Twitter Bootstrap forms
Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline (Updated to Bootstrap 2)
suranyami / formtastic
Forked from formtastic/formtasticA Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
Formtastic form builder to generate Twitter Bootstrap-friendly markup.
suranyami / Chipmunk-js
Forked from josephg/Chipmunk-jsPort of slembcke/Chipmunk-Physics to Javascript
suranyami / Coffee-Physics
Forked from soulwire/Coffee-PhysicsA simple, lightweight physics engine written in CoffeeScript
suranyami / nozomi
Forked from joshprice/nozomiNozomi is the fastest way to get going in Rails 3 with templates. The Nozomi Shinkansen or Japanese Bullet Train is the fastest train in the world.
suranyami / ember.js
Forked from emberjs/ember.jsEmber.js - formerly known as SproutCore 2.0
suranyami / data
Forked from emberjs/dataA data persistence library for Ember.js.
suranyami / guard-unicorn
Forked from jwinter/guard-unicornA unicorn guard for Ruby
suranyami / guard-webrick
Forked from fnichol/guard-webrickGuard::WEBrick automatically starts and restarts WEBrick when needed.
suranyami / vagrant
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
suranyami / travis-hub
Forked from travis-ci/travis-hubCollects build log streams, worker state reports and many other things [from Travis workers]