- Sydney, Australia
(UTC +11:00) - https://suranyami.com
PipeGate is a lightweight, self-hosted proxy built with FastAPI.
A sample Elixir project with a robust GitHub Actions CI
Autonomous SBC case generation using SBC Model Framework
The opinionated extension to Phoenix core_components
Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.
Ubuntu for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
Open-source E-ink monitor. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/zephray/glider
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standa…
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
FFmpeg with async and zero-copy Rockchip MPP & RGA support
Distributed Dynamic Profiling for the BEAM
Tracing experiments with live dashboard
The easiest & fastest way to run customized and fine-tuned LLMs locally or on the edge
Hysteria is a powerful, lightning fast and censorship resistant proxy.
WebauthnComponents allows Phoenix developers to quickly add passwordless authentication to LiveView applications.
Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
Components for pagination, sortable tables and filter forms using Phoenix, Ecto and Flop
Polyrhythmically-inclinded Midi Drum generator
Create Bitcoin keys, addresses and spend funds
Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.
Example from the "Adding Bulma to Phoenix 1.6" tutorial: https://kevinlang.me/bulma-phoenix-1-6/
Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub