🔧 An opinionated and enjoyable API framework based on Nette Framework. Supporting content negotiation, debugging, middlewares, attributes, annotations and loving openapi/swagger.
👅 Translations (symfony/translation) to Nette Framework (@nette)
📝 Standalone Doctrine Annotations for Nette Framework
🔥 Well-integrated Doctrine ORM for Nette Framework
🏃 Doctrine Migrations for Nette Framework
🔧 Doctrine Fixtures for Nette Framework
🔍 Doctrine Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette)
💡 Well-integrated Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework (@nette)
Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ
💪 DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc
PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!
📬 Sending emails with pleasure and prepared templates.
💥 Best events support (symfony/event-dispatcher) to Nette Framework (@nette)
💥 Best minimal console (symfony/console) to Nette Framework (@nette)
A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support
Consistence - consistent approach and additions to PHP's functionality
EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications.
Plug n play avatar, turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful avatar (or gravatar), effortless.
Integration of The League of Extraordinary Packages' OAuth 2.0 Server into Nette Framework - base package
Version updates checker for your composer package requirements
A light-weight jQuery "dirty forms" Plugin - it monitors html forms and alerts users to unsaved changes if they attempt to close the browser or navigate away from the page. (Are you sure?)
🐳 Dockette full modern web container (Nginx / PHP+FPM / Supervisor / Cron) all-in-one.
❄️ A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
PHP library for parsing plain text email content.
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
[ARCHIVED] The modernizr-server library is a way to bring Modernizr browser data to your server scripting environment. PHP currently supported, but other server-side environments to come (and subje…
ABANDONED - A PHP library to build GraphQL schema based on your model.