Starred repositories
bhavik1st / FireSQL
Forked from jsayol/FireSQLQuery Firestore using SQL syntax
Saleor Core: the high performance, composable, headless commerce API.
🌐 A better browser for Android using the Custom Tab protocol. Previously called Chromer.
A simple use webview integrated w/ native features to help create most advanced hybrid applications.
PopupBridge allows WebViews to open popup windows in a browser and send data back to the WebView
PopupBridge allows WebViews to open popup windows in a browser and send data back to the WebView
Prefect is a workflow orchestration framework for building resilient data pipelines in Python.
A frontend library for React and Vue that helps developers quickly build fast, accessible, and beautiful storefronts. Made with 💚 by Vue Storefront team and contributors.
This is WooCommerce to Vue Storefront data bridge. Harness the power of Progressive Web Apps for Your Woo Commerce shop!
dnd visual editor - mockups and code in one go!
A drag-and-drop mobile website builder base on Vue.
Cordova wrapper around Razorpay's Android and iOS SDKs
FirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.
This is an Android Studio project showing how to handle popups in Android Webview. Most open source browsers do not support opening popups. Popups are especially important in OAuth login used in a …
Wordpress Docker container using SSL Certificates with LetsEncrypt
Wordpress Docker container using SSL Certificates with LetsEncrypt
Automated docker nginx proxy integrated with letsencrypt.
Vue component for drag-and-drop to design and build mobile website.
Boilerplate menu system for - credits screen, main menu, options screen, preloader, game over screen.
UI Kit for the Phaser game engine. Rows, columns, viewports, scrollbars, stuff like that.
Phaser 3 - Starter Template with ES6 (ESNext features included) and webpack.
Example project and tutorial for Phaser using P2 physics
Instagram clone theme for Ionic mobile apps.
a boilerplate for making phaser 3 platformers