Shapefile C Library (origin at http://shapelib.maptools.org)
Edit Makefile, and set CFLAGS, and CC macros as required for the target system. Often the defaults will work fine.
type "make"
The result should be:
Core shapelib support.
Utility/demonstration programs: shpcreate, shpdump, shpadd, dbfcreate, dbfdump, dbfadd, shptreedump
To test type: make test
To libshp.a and the test binaries in /usr/local: make install
If you have run the VC++ VCVARS32.BAT, you should be able to type the following in a command window to build the code and executables:
C:> nmake /f makefile.vc
Otherwise create your own VC++ project. There aren't many files to deal with here!