Smart contract for SWASH token.
Table of Contents
Set up the development environment on your machine as follows.
As a prerequisite, you need:
- Node.js v12+
- npm
Clone the project and install all dependencies:
git clone
cd token/
npm i -g truffle
npm i
In the root directory of the project create a file with name .env
. Then paste these parameters to the file and initialize them accordingly:
INFURA_TOKEN=<Token for connecting to Ethereum mainnet/testnet using infura provider>
MNEMONIC=<Contract owner's mnemonic backup phrase>
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=<The Etherscan API Key which is used for publishing the source code on the Etherscan>
truffle compile
You can deploy the contract locally, to Rinkeby, or to Ethereum mainnet.
- In a separate terminal, start the testnet:
- In your main terminal, run:
truffle migrate --network development
- In your main terminal, run:
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
- In your main terminal, run:
truffle migrate --network mainnet
run node .\scripts\deploy-tokenOnPolygon.js <mumbai/(matic/polygon)> <rootChainManager>
first set accountPrivateKey = xxxxxxxxx
set gasPrice in \node_modules@ethersproject\hardware-wallets\lib\ledger.js file
run npx hardhat run --network bsc .\scripts\deploy-tokenOnBSC-HW.js
set rpc of multichain as admin and minter
MIT License