This are steps to run the Credit Card Fraud Detection System Application. MAC Operating System is used for developing and run the application,
Step 1: Install MYSQL Server(Version 8) and Client, Kafka(version 2.12-, Prometheus(Version 2.9.2), Grafana(Version 6.1.6)
Step 2: Make MySQL database server up.
Step 3: Go to bin folder and make ZooKeeper server up using this command ./ ../config/
Step 4: Goto bin folder and make Kafka server up using this command ./ ../config/
Step 5: Goto bin folder and create Kafka topic using command ./ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic transactionPublish
Step 6: Goto bin folder and make Prometheus server up using command Prometheus server start ./prometheus --config.file config/prometheus.yml
Step 7: Goto bin folder and make Grafana server up using command ./grafanaserver
Step 8: Import CreditCardFraud, creditcard-dashboard-service, creditcard-transactions-kafka-comsumer, creditcard-transactions-kafka-producer projects in STS or Eclipse.
Step 9: In CreditCardFraud project, in src/main/java and in package com.myhu.cheela.spark, open and right click on that class and click Run as Java Application.
Step 10: In CreditCardFraud project, in src/main/java and in package com.myhu.cheela.model open and right click on that class and click Run as Java Application.
Step 11: In creditcard-transactions-kafka-producer project, in src/main/java and in package com.myhu.cheela open and right click on that class and click Run as Java Application.
Step 12: In creditcard-transactions-kafka-comsumer project, in src/main/java and in package com.myhu.cheela.main open and right click on that class and click Run as Java Application.
Step 13: Hit the creditcard-transactions-kafka-producer project with url http://localhost:8080/creditcard/v1/publish
Step 14: In creditcard-dashboard-service project, in src/main/java and in package com.myhu.cheela, open and right click on that class and click Run as Java Application.
Step 15: Open browser and start the dashboard http://localhost:3000