A python script to query a local honeypot.json file for IoCs (give IPs, URLs, hashes, ports). Also queries external sources (VirusTotal, ISC) for current data on the given IOCs and returns the info…
Programming-Languages Public
Collection of different assignments/experiments in Programming Languages including functional programming, lambda calculus, and use of other programming constructs like generators, helper functions…
Prolog UpdatedJan 21, 2016 -
Top-Down-Parser Public
Object oriented top down parser in Java that translates every TinyPL program into an equivalent sequence of byte-codes for a Java virtual machine.This included implementing lexers and tokenizers al…
IR-boolean-querying Public
Implemented a back end boolean querying engine to retrieve basic query results using “Document-At-A-time(DAAT)” and “Term-At-A-Time(TAAT)” techniques.
Java UpdatedJan 20, 2016 -
NS2_mac Public
Used Network Simulator (NS2) to implement a new MAC random transmission protocol for sensor networks. Created our own optimal terrain topology file and evaluated the generated trace file to check f…