A sample application invokes a flashloan in dYdX and a monitoring tool in Node.js.
A sample triangular arbitrage application with a dYdX flashloan via Sushi & Uni.
A Flashloan Contract for the Binance Smart Chain. It also includes a Javascript Bot that tracks the price of tokens before initiating the Flashloan Smart Contract
Flashloan arbitrage on Binance Smart Chain BSC and Pancakeswap
A box containing all you need to get started with developing Aave v1 flash loans
A Brownie mix containing all you need to get started with developing flash loans
1st Place 🏆 in the Gitcoin Web3 World Aave Hackathon. A bot that does arbitrage between two Uniswap exchanges using an Aave Flashloan as the capital for initial trade. Got a nice write up from the …
A DeFi Arbitrage Bot with DyDx Flashloans.
Example arbitrage bot using Flashbots
This repo introduces a simple example of how to arbitrage trade on-chain using flash loans.
Website to quickly create CSS scroll shadows
Build and Deploy a Real Estate React & Next.js Application
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
React feedback app from React course
Hardhat-based template for developing Solidity smart contracts
⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language