This repository includes a sample Vagrantfile
and the Readme
on how to use the Single-node MapR Vagrant base box that we have created.
This box is based on the official ubuntu/trusty64
box and is based on virtualbox as a provider.
- MapR 5.0.0
- Hive 0.13
- Impala 1.4.1
- Spark 1.5.2
Pretty simple stuff:
vagrant init hellofresh/mapr
vagrant up
Username: mapr
Password: mapr
- Add mapr-dev
to your/etc/hosts
file. Make sure you change the IP if you had overwritten that in your vagrant file. - Point your browser to
, login with themapr
user credentials, and add a community license to your installation. - Code away!
We advise against it.
Sometimes Impala doesn't work properly and is unable to read the databases from the HiveServer2. This can be solved by restarting impala, by running the following as mapr
maprcli node services impalastore restart -nodes `hostname`
maprcli node services impalacatalog restart -nodes `hostname`
maprcli node services impalaserver restart -nodes `hostname`
Please open and issue here or better yet help us fix it.