THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED: An updated version is now available at
This repository contains various open source libraries precompiled as static libraries and ready-to-use for OS X (i386, x86_64) & iOS (armv7, armv7s). The build scripts are also provided.
- libexif
- libexiv2
- libexpat
- libffmpeg
- libjpeg-turbo (*)
- liblcms2
- liblept (with PNG & JPEG support)
- libmp3lame
- libpng
- libprotobuf
- libsqlite3 (with default threading mode set to multi-threaded i.e. SQLITE_THREADSAFE=2)
- libtesseract
- libwebp
(*) See this message from the libjpeg-turbo-users mailing list for important information about performance regression when using Clang instead of GCC to compile the library.
To (re)build all libraries for both OS X, iPhone Simulator and iPhone OS, simply run the "" command in Terminal while in the "Build-Scripts" directory.
The build scripts were tested on OS X 10.9 with Xcode 5.0.1.
To use these libraries in your OS X or iOS Xcode projects, you will need to configure the build settings to reference the header ("include" directories) and library files ("lib" directories).
See the included test projects for an example.