Hi, im Namnam 🕴🏼.
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📝 Find Gateway of Rak3172_Canopus at here.
📝 Especially, you will get 3% discount on the total amount to pay when using code CANOPUS to shop at https://store.rakwireless.com/products/
Examples | Description | Support | Verify by |
Blink led | On/off led on board | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
Read analog | Read 0-10V sensor | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
Read 4-20mA sensor | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
Serial1 | Serial1 print | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
Modbus RTU | RAK3172 is master | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
RAK3172 is slave | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
Lora P2P | Sender (send value sensor) | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
Reciever (request from Gateway) | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
Ra02 - Rak3172 | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
LoraWan | Class B, Info, Multicast, ABP | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
General | Powersave, timer, interupt | ☑ | Canopus Lab |
Multitasking | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
Sensor | DHT11, DHT21, DHT22, AM23xx | ☐ | |
DS18B20 (Temperature Probe) | ☐ | ||
SHT3X (Temperature air) | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
BH1750 (Light) | ☑ | Canopus Lab | |
MHZ19B (CO2) | ☑ | ||
SR04 (Ultrasonic) | ☑ | ||
VL53L1x (Laser Distance ToF) | ☑ | ||
Adafruit STEMMA Soil | ☐ | ||
PZEM-016, PZEM 004T | ☑ | ||
Gas (LPG/CO/CH4) MQ-2 | ☑ | ||
PM2.5 Air Quality GP2Y1014AU0F | ☑ | ||
Scenarios (*) | Modbus_Lora📡<-->📡Lora_Modbus | ☐ | |
I2C_Lora📡<-->📡Lora_Modbus | ☐ | ||
4-20mA_Lora📡<-->📡Lora_Modbus | ☐ | ||
0-10V_Lora📡<-->📡Lora_Modbus | ☐ |
(*) Scenarios: Node A read value from sensor (I2C, modbus, 4-20mA, 0-10V, one-wire), and send to node B.
Node B is modbus slave, simulation sensor, update value in register each time recieve signal from node A.
We can use PLC or another device read value modbus RTU from node B. It is same read direct sensor, but there is a small delay.Regarding One-Wire sensors, we will wait for support from RAK team in Q3-2023.
Currently, because of RUI3 limitations, there is no official library for this communication standard from Rakwireless.
Status | Milestone | ETA |
🚀 | [Firmware] Add examples code scenarios | Aug 2023 |
🚀 | [Firmware] The first packages publish | Aug 2023 |
🚀 | [Firmware] Support One-wire sensor. Ex: DHT2x, DHT1x, DS18B20 | September 2023 |
🚀 | [Hardware] Add solar panel 5V-20mA on top of box | November 2023 |
🚀 | [Hardware] Support Hatboard 2In-2Out (optinal pluggage) | January 2024 |
Object | Detail component | Note |
Power | Solar 5V or DC 5V | Maximum 6VDC |
Solar charge | LT4054 | Upto 800mA |
RS485 | SP485EE | Protect over volt, current |
I2C | - | Pullup internal ~100k |
One-wire | - | Pullup internal ~100k |
4-20mA | - | Resolution 14bit |
0-10V | - | Resolution 14bit |
LORA SoC | RAK3172 | STM32WL inside |
Case | Plastic | Size 100x68x50 |
The RAK3172 supports two different frequency variations: RAK3172(L) Low Radio Frequency and RAK3172(H) High Radio Frequency.
Module | Region | Frequency |
RAK3172(L) | Europe | EU433 |
China | CN470 | |
RAK3172(H) | Europe | EU868 |
North America | US915 | |
Australia | AU915 | |
Korea | KR920 | |
Asia | AS923-1/2/3/4 | |
India | IN865 | |
Russia | RU864 |
🏷️Version 0.98 [March-2023] (Prototype).
🏷️Version 0.99 [April-2023].
🏷️Version 1.0 [June-2023].
The RAK3172_Canopus requires a few hardware connections before you can make it work.
The requirement is:
-USB type C
-Battery 18650
-Solar panel (Ex: 5V-3W)
-Install IDE arduino, add RAK3172 to manager board and import Canopus library
-Compile an Example with RAK3172_Canopus board
This section discusses how to use and access RAK3172 pins using the RUI3 API. It shows basic code on using digital I/O, analog input, UART, and I2C.
This is table pin map of Rak3172_Canopus board.
Pin Name | Alternative Pin Usage |
PB5 | Vss(Enable power sensor) |
PA11 | I2C_SDA or One-Wire |
PA12 | I2C_SCL or One-Wire |
PB3 | ADC1 (4-20mA) |
PB4 | ADC2 (0-10V) |
PB12 | Vrs(Enable power RS485) |
PB6 | UART1_TX (RS485 ModbusRTU) |
PB7 | UART1_RX (RS485 ModbusRTU) |
⚠️ WARNING: Prepare yourself a cup of coffee ☕☕☕, because the next is a fascinating journey with Canopus board 🤪.
You will be stronger after working through the next 12 examples.
- Use Arduino digitalRead to read the value from a specified Digital I/O pin, either HIGH or LOW.
- Use Arduino digitalWrite to write a HIGH or a LOW value to a Digital I/O pin.
tip 📝 NOTE:
The GPIO Pin Name is the one to be used on the digitalRead and digitalWrite and NOT the pin numbers.
Example code blink led on RAK3172_Canopus board
void setup()
pinMode(PA8, OUTPUT); //Change the PA8 to any digital pin you want. Also, you can set this to INPUT or OUTPUT
void loop()
digitalWrite(PA8,HIGH); //Change the PA8 to any digital pin you want. Also, you can set this to HIGH or LOW state.
delay(1000); // delay for 1 second
digitalWrite(PA8,LOW); //Change the PA8 to any digital pin you want. Also, you can set this to HIGH or LOW state.
delay(1000); // delay for 1 second
You can use any of the pins below as Analog Input.
Analog Port | Pin Name | Onboard |
ADC1 (4-20mA) | PB3 | AI |
ADC2 (0-10V) | PB4 | AV |
Use Arduino analogRead to read the value from the specified Analog Input pin.
Example code read analog on RAK3172_Canopus board
#define VSS_PIN PB5
#define mA_PIN PB3
#define Volt_PIN PB4
#define PWR_ON LOW
void setup() {
Serial.println("Canopus Analog Example");
digitalWrite(VSS_PIN, PWR_ON); //On power Vss
void loop() {
int AI = (float)analogRead(mA_PIN) * 3300 / 100 / 4096; //Get value 4-20mA
Serial.printf("\nAI = %dmA\r\n", AI); // print value 4-20mA
int AV = (float)analogRead(Volt_PIN) * 3300 / 4096 * 5.7; //Get value 0-10V
Serial.printf("AV = %dmV\r\n", AV); // print value 0-10V
There are two UART peripherals available on the RAK3172 module. There are also different Serial Operating Modes possible in RUI3, namely Binary Mode, AT Mode, and Custom Mode.
Serial Port | Serial Instance Assignment | Default Mode |
UART1 (pins 4, 5) | Serial1 | Custom Mode |
UART2 (pins 1, 2) | Serial | AT Command |
Example Code
void setup()
Serial1.begin(115200); // use Serial1 for UART1 and Serial for UART2
// you can designate separate baudrate for each.
void loop()
Serial1.println("RAK3172 UART1 TEST!");
Serial.println("RAK3172 UART2 TEST!");
delay(1000); // delay for 1 second
This example, our board is modbus master.
Modbus RTU use Serial1 on RAK3172_Canopus board
Serial Port | Serial Instance Assignment | Default Mode |
UART1 (pins 4, 5) | Serial1 | Custom Mode |
Example Code modbus master read slave
Make sure you have an ModbusRTU device connected to pin A and B on Rak3172_Canopus board:
#include "Canopus_Modbus.h"
ModbusMaster node;
#define LED PA8
#define VRS_PIN PB12
#define PWR_ON LOW
uint8_t result;
void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(VRS_PIN, PWR_ON); //On power Vrs485
Serial_Canopus.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1);
void loop()
//***************READ node 1**************************
node.begin(1, Serial_Canopus); //slave ID node
Serial.printf("\r\n\n\nExample read modbus RTU for RAK3172_Canopus board");
result = node.readHoldingRegisters(0, 10);//Read 40000 to 40009
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess) //Read success
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i ++ )
Serial.printf("\r\nValue 4000%d: %d", i, node.getResponseBuffer(i));
else Serial.print("Read Fail node 1"); //read fail
digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(PA8)); //blink led
The Arduino Serial Monitor shows the value of register:
Example read modbus RTU for RAK3172_Canopus board
Value 40000: 1
Value 40001: 2
Value 40002: 3
Value 40003: 4
Value 40004: 5
Value 40005: 6
Value 40006: 7
Value 40007: 8
Value 40008: 9
Value 40009: 10
This example, our board is modbus slave. Board read AI(4-20mA) and set value register 040001 (FC03, address 1)
Example Code modbus slave update value register
#include "modbus.h"
#include "modbusDevice.h"
#include "modbusRegBank.h"
#include "modbusSlave.h"
modbusDevice regBank;
modbusSlave slave;
#define LED PA8
#define mA_PIN PB3
#define VSS_PIN PB5
#define VRS_PIN PB12
#define PWR_ON LOW
#define PWR_OFF HIGH
void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(VRS_PIN, PWR_ON); //On power Vrs485
digitalWrite(VSS_PIN, PWR_ON); //On power Vsensor
regBank.setId(1); //Set id slave
regBank.add(40001); //Add register FC03, holding register, address 1
regBank.set(40001,0); //Set default value for 40001 is 0
slave._device = ®Bank;
slave.setBaud(9600); //Set baudrate 9600
analogReadResolution(12); //Set Resolution adc is 12bit, can upto 14bit
void loop()
int analog_In = (float)analogRead(mA_PIN) * 3300 / 100 / 4096; //Get value 4-20mA
regBank.set(40001, analog_In); //Update value for 40001 is analog_In
slave.run(); //Run service modbus RTU slave
digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(LED)); //blink led
There is one I2C peripheral available on RAK3172.
I2C Pin Number | I2C Pin Name |
PA12 | I2C_SCL |
PA11 | I2C_SDA |
- Use Arduino Wire library to communicate with I2C devices.
Example Code
Scan I2C
Make sure you have an I2C device connected to specified I2C pins to run the I2C scanner code below:
#include <Wire.h>
#define VSS_PIN PB5
#define PWR_ON LOW
void setup()
digitalWrite(VSS_PIN, PWR_ON); //enable power sensor
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");
void loop()
byte error, address;
int nDevices;
nDevices = 0;
for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ )
// The i2c_scanner uses the return value of
// the Write.endTransmission to see if
// a device did acknowledge to the address.
error = Wire.endTransmission();
if (error == 0)
Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
if (address<16)
Serial.println(" !");
else if (error==4)
Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
if (address<16)
if (nDevices == 0)
Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");
delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds for next scan
The Arduino Serial Monitor shows the I2C device found.
17:29:15.690 -> Scanning...
17:29:15.738 -> I2C device found at address 0x28 !
17:29:15.831 -> done
17:29:15.831 ->
17:29:20.686 -> Scanning...
17:29:20.733 -> I2C device found at address 0x28 !
17:29:20.814 -> done
17:29:20.814 ->
Read sensor SHT3X
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ArtronShop_SHT3x.h>
#define VSS_PIN PB5
#define PWR_ON LOW
ArtronShop_SHT3x sht3x(0x44, &Wire); // ADDR: 0 => 0x44, ADDR: 1 => 0x45
void setup() {
digitalWrite(VSS_PIN, PWR_ON); //enable power sensor
while (!sht3x.begin()) {
Serial.println("SHT3x not found !");
void loop() {
if (sht3x.measure()) {
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print(sht3x.temperature(), 1);
Serial.print(" *C\tHumidity: ");
Serial.print(sht3x.humidity(), 1);
Serial.print(" %RH");
} else {
Serial.println("SHT3x read error");
The Arduino Serial Monitor shows value.
18:53:24.520 -> Temperature: 33.2 *C Humidity: 76.1 %RH
18:53:25.504 -> Temperature: 33.2 *C Humidity: 75.8 %RH
18:53:26.521 -> Temperature: 33.2 *C Humidity: 76.0 %RH
18:53:27.534 -> Temperature: 33.2 *C Humidity: 76.3 %RH
Read sensor BH1750
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ArtronShop_BH1750.h>
#define VSS_PIN PB5
#define PWR_ON LOW
ArtronShop_BH1750 bh1750(0x23, &Wire); // Non Jump ADDR: 0x23, Jump ADDR: 0x5C
void setup() {
digitalWrite(VSS_PIN, PWR_ON);
while (!bh1750.begin()) {
Serial.println("BH1750 not found !");
void loop() {
Serial.print("Light: ");
Serial.print(" lx");
The Arduino Serial Monitor shows value.
19:36:53.106 -> Light: 0.83 lx
19:36:54.088 -> Light: 0.83 lx
19:36:55.089 -> Light: 0.83 lx
19:36:56.103 -> Light: 0.83 lx