An easy and lightweight static website generator, written in PHP.
PHPoole takes your content (written in Markdown plain text format) and merges files with layouts (Twig templates) to generate static HTML files.
PHPoole is a CLI application, powered by PHPoole/library, highly inspired by Jekyll and Hugo.
- No database, files only
- Flexible template engine & themes support
- Dynamic menu creation
- Generators (taxonomies, paginaton, etc.)
curl -SOL
mv phpoole.phar /usr/local/bin/phpoole
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phpoole
PHP 7.1+ is required.
- Create new website:
phpoole new
- Build and serve it:
phpoole build -s
- Get help:
phpoole help
Try the demo.
a ready to go blog.
Please see the composer.json file.
Run the following commands:
composer create-project narno/phpoole -sdev
cd phpoole
php bin/phpoole -v
PHPoole is a free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
PHPoole © Arnaud Ligny
PHPoole logo © Cécile Ricordeau