- Note that Heroku goes to sleep after 1 hour if it doesn't recieve any traffic. Once you're on the page, wait about 30 seconds for Heroku to wake up and reload. All features should be available and ready to go. (Check the instructions below to run locally)
- Syed Sadman
- Abir Deb
- Andrey Goryuk
- Michal Moryosef
- Samuel Fils
- /pages: page components
- /layout: Contains the 2 layout for app (Customer & Employees)
- /components: For Smaller components
- /redux: Files for global application state like user using Redux
- /utils : Utility files for js logic
- Routes.js: Declares all routes to map with a Layout & Page.
- auth.js: Authorization & authentication logic for routes.
- Make sure that the backend is cloned and running
git clone
cd Grannys-Sweets-Frontend/
npm install
npm start
- React
- Redux
- React-Boostrap
- Material UI