CSV files include deposits,loans taken and all successful purchases of token between January and March 2019. The features include:
- address: the mobile number of account
- amount/transamount: the total paid or borrowed for loan purchase
- unit: the unit of the token
- transactionid : unique identifier for each transaction
- time/systranstime: the timestamp of the transaction
- billrefnumber:unique identifier for account
successfulVENDS2019.csv: holds data for successful purchases
deposit2019.csv: holds data for deposits
loan2019.csv: holds data for borrowed amounts to purchase tokens
Involves exploring system behaviour and customer behaviour
- Volume.ipynb: Analyzes the amounts over time
- Transaction.ipynb: Analyzes number of transactions over time
- Customer Behaviour.ipynb: Analyzes customer behaviour
- Customer Behaviour Regression Models.ipynb: Created regression models to predict a customer's amount using past amounts and timestamp