Developing an 8bit computer and peripherals, testers, debuggers, etc.
After some thoughts, I think this project will feature:
- an eZ80 microcontroller based home made computer
- something similar to this project:
- raspberry pi for debugging the machine
- implementing the Zilog Debug Interface to be able to connect to the eZ80
- create tools to load code to the RAM / ROM / flash drive
- porting / implementing some basic OS, hopefully in C
Beside building the computer and the devboard :)
install python libraries (I'm using python 3.6 on Raspberry Pi OS)
sudo pip install gpiozero
- for easily managing GPIO pins
additional things, if we would use the MCP23S17 I/O extender chip (not yet)
- 'sudo pip install spidev RPiMCP23S17'
- you need to load the SPI kernel modules before you can use SPI devices. Use the gpio command:
gpio load spi
to be able to open / edit the PCB plans, install: kicad (