DIY gameboy based on rapsberry pi pico, for home use
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GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007
You are free to use, modify, and distribute this software. You can run the program for any purpose. You can study how the program works and make changes to it. You can distribute copies of the software to others. You can distribute modified versions of the software. Conditions:
You must include the original copyright notice and license text with every copy of the software. If you modify the software and distribute it, you must provide access to the modified source code under the same license. Limitations:
The license does not provide any warranty or guarantee for the software. The licensor is not liable for any damages or legal issues caused by the use or distribution of the software. Some additional terms and conditions may apply, depending on the specific software. For a full and legally binding version of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, please refer to the license text provided in the LICENSE file.