The Nodejs Sublime Text 3 Package provides a set of code completion, scripts and tools to work with nodejs.
The package code completion is generated from the main nodejs libraries and global namespaces. To invoke
the code completion start typing the namespace you want (For example, type fs
) and then Ctrl + Space, you get this:
You can access node commands in two ways.
- Via the menu in
Tools -> Node
- By accessing the Command Palette and typing
The current commands available are (with Windows binding, other bindings are provided):
- Run current script in node (Alt + R)
- Run current script in node debug (Alt + D)
- Run current script in node and arguments (Ctrl + Alt + r)
- Run current script in node debug and arguments (Ctrl + Alt + D)
- Uglify Code
- NPM Command
- Build documentation (builds the completion files)
Also included are some boilerplate snippets. They include functionality such as a http server, reading the contents of a directory, etc.
To access these snippets type node
in your editor followed by Ctrl + Space
If you have any boilerplate code you would like to see in here, get in touch.
You can install this package from Sublime Text 3 package manager. Also you can install this package manually:
`git clone ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Nodejs`
`git clone "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Nodejs"`
`git clone $HOME/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Nodejs`
PLEASE NOTE: The build system will be refactored to provide different nodejs build systems (such as jake)
If you have a JavaScript file open, by selecting Tools -> Build Systems -> Nodejs
then hitting Ctrl + B, you will activate the node build system on your file and node will try to run it.
You may need to add a path
variable to the settings object for this if your node executable is not found
- uglify_js.js and other ./tools/*.js scripts don't work when the package is installed by SublimeText package manager
- Refactor plugin's classes inheritance in
- Generate Sublime Text completions during installation phase depending on the version of installed Node
- Check for nvm installation
- Replace the Nodejs.sublime-build to work with jake
- Reorganise menu structure
- Improve code completion snippets where possible
- Provide an interface for writing JavaScript plugins
The original author of this package Tane Piper. At the time the project maintainer is Vardan Pogosyan.