Since DCN is used in many models and performance well but in industry this op support is not very well. Including pytorch, onnx, tensorrt etc. This repo is make DCNv2 available at all versions in pytorch.
Pytorch 1.7 inferenced in CenterNet-DLA model. It works on Pytorch 1.7 so that you can use it in your RTX 3070 series cards.
- 2021.02.18: Happy new year! PyTorch 1.7 finally supported on master branch! for lower version theoretically also works, if not, pls fire an issue to me!.
- 2020.09.23: Now master branch works for pytorch 1.6 by default, for older version you gonna need separated one.
- 2020.08.25: Check out pytorch1.6 branch for pytorch 1.6 support, you will meet an error like
THCudaBlas_Sgemv undefined
if you using pytorch 1.6 build master branch. master branch now work for pytorch 1.5;
If you have any question, welcome add my wechat: jintianiloveu
for communication.