limberr is a Go package for handling errors. It supports (RFC-7807)[].
limberr implements error handling based on chain and parent/child relation, id consist two part. generating the error and parse it.
there is two way for using this package simple way is using direct method
err := errors.New("new_error")
err = limberr.AddCode(err, "E10")
err = limberr.AddMessage(err, "a_message")
err = limberr.AddType(err, "regular_type", "title")
err = limberr.AddPath(err, "/path/to/somewhere")
err = limberr.AddStatus(err, 403)
err = limberr.AddDomain(err, "base")
translator := func(str string, a ...interface{}) string {
return str
statusCode, parsedErr := limberr.Parse(err, translator)
Output be like below
statusCode: 403
statusCode: {
"code": "E10",
"type": "regular_type",
"title": "title",
"domain": "base",
"message": "a_message",
"path": "/path/to/somewhere",
"original_error": "new_error"
Builder is more complicated but at the end need less code, you can find the complete instance inside the examples directory
err := limberr.New("new_error", "E10").
Message("a_message %v %v", "param1", "param2").
output is as same as before
easily by adding invalid params you can have perfect error for highligt fields which have error with proper message
InvalidParam("age", "age should be more than %v", 18).
For parsing you can use it in response to add path in easiear way
Final format be something like this
"type": "http//",
"title": "duplication",
"message": "user with this name already exist",
"code": "E321343",
"path": "users/32",
"invalid-params": [
"name": "age",
"reason": "must be a positive integer"
"name": "color",
"reason": "must be 'green', 'red' or 'blue'"
By combining this package with dict and create a manual function as translator you can have multi language error generator
You can find complete solution with dactionary implementation in omono project