Accounting application, inspired by OMEGA and SIGMA
For calculating coverage run below command
gopherbadger -md=""
noLogSQL=true go test -v
go test -atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html coverage.out
go tool cover -func coverage.out
ID: 1001 100 100 000 001
ID: 9999, 999, 999,999,999
Comp Nod ---- ID ---
1844 6744 ,073,709,551,615
a b c
a company_id
b node_id
c regular id
Features should be encrypted and save in the company table, controlled by license
- Delete List
- Undelete
- Inventory
- Currency number
- Network accessibility (192.* or public)
- Auto backup
- Number of user
- Income Statemnt
- Cash Flow Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Activity
- Log API
find . -regex ".*test.go"
noLogSQL=true go test -run Test -v -cover -coverpkg "sigma/domain/sync/service" "sigma/domain/sync/test" -coverprofile coverage.out
go tool cover -html coverage.out