eurofunk Kappacher
- Salzburg, Austria
Build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution.
A web-based sheet music editor and publishing platform.
Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
⚙️ The static code analysis tool you need for your HTML
An Angular.JS directive to bind keyboard shortcuts to DOM elements
Angular HTML5 Drag and Drop directive written in pure js with no dependency on JQuery.
szabyg / blogsiple
Forked from bergie/blogsipleSimple NodeXT CMS serving as the official Create integration testbed
szabyg / nodext
Forked from bergie/nodextPlugin-driven Node.js applications
LMFService for VIE implements CRUD operations for
Mockup app for ehealth data stored on Stanbol entityhub
Simple Pascal compiler being built for a university course
IKS / VIE.autocomplete
Forked from szabyg/VIE.autocompleteAutocomplete widget for VIE entities
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
Previous implementation for http://rdfa.info. Now in rdfa.github.io.
On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 the english Wikipedia is [blacked out for 24 hours](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOPA_initiative/Learn_more). However...
Simple NodeXT CMS serving as the official Create integration testbed
MARY TTS -- an open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in pure java
szabyg / cmf-sandbox
Forked from symfony-cmf/cmf-sandboxBase project for trying CMF components integration
szabyg / create
Forked from bergie/createMidgard Create, a generic web editing interface for any CMS
Midgard Create, a generic web editing interface for any CMS
A user interface to trigger a semantic search for related content.
Multi-database ORM for nodejs: redis, mongodb, mysql, sqlite3, postgresql, arango, in-memory...