SIEVE is a statistical method that exploits raw read counts for all nucleotides from scDNA-seq to reconstruct the cell phylogeny and call variants based on the inferred phylogenetic relations among cells. SIEVE is built upon finite-sites assumption, and is able to infer accurate branch lengths by correcting acquisition bias. When data is of adequate quality, SIEVE can also reliably call allelic dropout states. The software is implemented and available as a package of BEAST 2.
For more details, check out our paper in Genome Biology:
To install SIEVE, please follow the install by hand steps.
The required and up-to-date compressed file of SIEVE for installation can be found under dist/
It is also possible to build SIEVE from the source with ant
according to build.xml
. Simply run ant build
under the root directory of the cloned project. Once the build is done, you can find the compressed file under dist/
Currently, SIEVE is compatible with BEAST 2.6. Later SIEVE will be adapted for BEAST 2.7.
SIEVE requires the following input files:
- Raw read counts as an output of DataFilter. An example can be found in
. - Cell names. An example can be found in
. - A template file which has been configured for the analysis.
BEAST 2 requires a configuration file for the phylogenetic analysis. This configuration file can be edited directly or using Beauti, a GUI tool provided by BEAST 2. Although at this moment SIEVE does not support Beauti, we provide some configured examples under
, which were used in the benchmarking and real data analysis of the corresponding paper.rmc_stage_1.xml
: for the first stage (without acquisition bias correction) of an analysis assuming a relaxed molecular clock; requiring the ORC package.rmc_stage_2.xml
: for the second stage (with acquisition bias correction) of an analysis assuming a relaxed molecular clock; requiring the ORC package.smc_stage_1.xml
: for the first stage (without acquisition bias correction) of an analysis assuming a strict molecular clock.smc_stage_2.xml
: for the second stage (with acquisition bias correction) of an analysis assuming a strict molecular clock.
Before running SIEVE, please set up the CONFIGURATION
section in Snakefile
It is highly recommended to use the docker image we have built to run SIEVE according to Dockerfile
docker pull senbaikang/sieve:0.1
Note that we predefined the environment variable _JAVA_OPTIONS
with -Xmx10g
. Users can adjust this amount of memory (10g) according to their needs and then rebuild the image under examples
folder of this repository:
docker build -t sieve:0.1 .
The docker image only contains executables of BEAST 2. To run the pipeline, users need to mount the local examples
folder containing the snakemake rules and supporting scripts to the docker container under /root/data
docker run -n sieve -v /local/path/to/examples:/root/data senbaikang/sieve:0.1
The console output of snakemake will appear in the terminal. To run the pipeline in the background, add -d
to the command above before the image name, and access the console outputs through:
$ docker logs sieve
Use Snakemake (2nd-recommended)
We also recommend using a two-stage strategy when accurate branch lengths of the cell phylogeny are of the concern. To is end, we have provided a stack of snakemake rules (examples/Snakefile
) to execute this strategy automatically. A graphical illustration of the procedure can be found in examples/dag.pdf
With snakemake installed and everything set up in examples/Snakefile
, a dry-run can be made immediately under examples/
by typing:
$ snakemake -np
If there are no errors reported, you can run the entire analysis with:
$ snakemake --cores {NUM} -kp
The two-stage strategy mentioned above can also be executed step-by-step as follows.
DataCollector is used to integrate the selected data from DataFilter with the configured template for the first stage. It can be called using BEAST 2's
:$ /path/to/applauncher DataCollectorLauncher --help Usage: datacollector [-help] [-prefix <output_file_prefix>] [-cell <cell_names_file>] [-sciphi] [-data <data_file>] [-datatype <i>] [-ignoreSex] [-template <template_configuration_file>] [-exclude <excluded_cell_names>] [-out <output_file>] [-sample <i1> <i2>] [-bgcs <i1> <i2> <i3>] [-bgfsc <i1> <i2> <i3> <i4> <i5>] -help option to print this message -> OPTIONAL -prefix specifies the prefix of output files (a folder must be ended with '/') -> OPTIONAL -cell specifies a blank spaces separated document containing cell names -> MANDATORY -sciphi specifies whether the file of cell names is compatible with SCIPhI (default incompatible) -> OPTIONAL -data provides a data document ending with .tsv -> MANDATORY -datatype specifies input datatype (0: Coverage-Support, 1: Full supports-Coverage; default: 1) -> OPTIONAl -ignoreSex ignores candidate mutated sites from sex chromosomes; usually turned on for males -> OPTIONAL -template provides a configuration document ending with .xml -> MANDATORY -exclude specifies names of the cells to be excluded -> OPTIONAL -out specifies the configuration file integrating with the input data -> OPTIONAL -sample samples a part of the input data for test purposes; the first number defines the number of sampled cells, and the second number defines the number of sampled loci; by default, all the data will be loaded -> OPTIONAL -bgcs specifies the order of background information for "Coverage-Support" datatype w.r.t. (coverage 0, variant 1, normal 2); default: 0 1 2; working with "-datatype 0" if specified -> OPTIONAL -bgfsc specifies the order of background information for "Full support-Coverage" datatype w.r.t. (0 - variant1, 1 - variant2, 2 - variant3, 3 - normal, 4 - coverage); default: 0 1 2 3 4; working with "-datatype 1" if specified -> OPTIONAL IMPORTANT: please make sure that in the input xml template the section containing alignment has a tag named 'data', and the log sections have a tag named 'logger'.
Note that options marked by "MANDATORY" are required for running the command, while those by "OPTIONAL" are not.
With the output of step 1, now it is the time to run the phylogenetic analysis with the following command:
$ /path/to/beast -overwrite -threads {NUM} -prefix {PREFIX} {CONFIGURED FILE}
TreeAnnotator is used to summarise a maximum clade credibility tree (MCC) from the sampled trees in step 2.
$ /path/to/applauncher SCSTreeAnnotatorLauncher --help Usage: scstreeannotator [-prefix <output_file_prefix>] [-heights <keep|median|mean|ca>] [-burnin <i>] [-b <i>] [-limit <r>] [-target <target_file_name>] [-help] [-forceDiscrete] [-lowMem] [-hpd2D <r>] [-nohpd2D] [-noSA] [-simpleTree] [-noTrunk] <input-file-name> [<output-file-name>] -prefix specifies the prefix of output files (a folder must be ended with '/') -> OPTIONAL -heights an option of 'keep' (default), 'median', 'mean' or 'ca' -> OPTIONAL -burnin the percentage of states to be considered as 'burn-in' -> MANDATORY, the same as -b" -b the percentage of states to be considered as 'burn-in' -> MANDATORY, the same as -burnin -limit the minimum posterior probability for a node to be annotated -> OPTIONAL -target specifies a user target tree to be annotated -> OPTIONAL -help option to print this message -> OPTIONAL -forceDiscrete forces integer traits to be treated as discrete traits -> OPTIONAL -lowMem use less memory, which is a bit slower -> OPTIONAL -hpd2D the HPD interval to be used for the bivariate traits -> OPTIONAL -nohpd2D suppress calculation of HPD intervals for the bivariate traits -> OPTIONAL -noSA interpret the tree set as begin from a not being from a sampled ancestor analysis, even if there are zero branch lengths in the tree set -> OPTIONAL -simpleTree simple output tree only containing tree heights (the output file will be labeled with 'simple'), default disabled -> OPTIONAL -noTrunk trees processed do not have a trunk connecting the root of samples and the root of entire tree, default disabled -> OPTIONAL
VariantCaller is used to call variants given the outputs of step 1-3.
$ /path/to/applauncher VariantCallerLauncher -help Usage: variantcaller [-help] [-threads <i>] [-prefix <output_file_prefix>] [-runconfig <run_config_file>] [-burnin <i>] [-b <i>] [-cached <cached_estimates_file>] [-estimates <mean|median|mode|all>] [-kdedist <gaussian|epanechnikov|rectangular|triangular|biweight|cosine|optcosine>] [-mcmclog <mcmc_log_file>] [-config <config_file>] [-tree <tree_file>] [-details] [-cells <i>] [-medianrate] [-userate] -help option to print this message -> OPTIONAL -threads specifies the number of threads (default 1); recommending to use more -> OPTIONAL -prefix specifies the prefix of output files (a folder must be ended with '/') -> OPTIONAL -runconfig specifies a modified configuration file and calls variants -> OPTIONAL, having priority over other flags except for -threads and -prefix -burnin specifies the percentage of samples to be considered as 'burn-in' -> MANDATORY (or -b) -b the same as 'burn-in' -> MANDATORY (or -burnin) -cached specifies the cached estimates file -> OPTIONAL, conflicting with -estimates, -kdedist, -mcmclog, -allelic -estimates specifies which kind of estimates of samples will be used to perform variant calling (one of 'mean', 'median' (default), 'mode', and 'all', where the last option compares likelihoods between all situations and chooses the largest one) -> OPTIONAL, conflicting with -cached -kdedist specifies which KDE distribution will be used if mode estimates is selected (one of 'gaussian' (default), 'epanechnikov', 'rectangular', 'triangular', 'biweight', 'cosine', 'optcosine') -> OPTIONAL, conflicting with -cached -mcmclog specifies the log file containing MCMC samples -> OPTIONAL, conflicting with -cached -config specifies the configuration file used to performing phylogenetic analisys (either xml or json) -> MANDATORY -tree specifies the tree summarized from ScsTreeAnnotator -> MANDATORY -details marks whether to save details, including inferred genotypes and ternary matrix, if specified -> OPTIONAL -cells specifies the number of mutated cells used to filter invariant sites, default 1 -> OPTIONAL -medianrate use median rate rather than mean rate from the input tree -> OPTIONAL -userate use both branch length and rate from the input tree in variant calling -> OPTIONAL
Update the configuration file for the second stage.
Step 1-4 are for the first stage. Given the outputs of the above steps and a template for the second stage, we can update such a template with a python script provided by us (
):$ python3 -h usage: [-h] [--tree TREE] --estimates ESTIMATES --results RESULTS --template1 TEMPLATE1 --template2 TEMPLATE2 --out OUT Setup configuration files for stage 2 based on results of stage 1. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tree TREE starting tree for stage 2 with the MCC tree from stage 1 --estimates ESTIMATES estimated parameter values from stage 1 --results RESULTS a file containing the a list of files of variants called from stage 1 --template1 TEMPLATE1 template configuration file for stage 1 --template2 TEMPLATE2 template configuration file for stage 2 --out OUT modified template configuration file for stage 2
With the updated template for the second stage, it is ready to run by repeating step 1-4.
Note that in order to map mutations (see the following section) later, option
in VariantCaller (step 4) must be explicitly specified.
After getting variant calling results, SIEVE is able to map the mutations to branches. But first, we need to build mutation maps using tools like Annovar, with the output of which SIEVE is compatible. For example, in the SIEVE paper we called Annovar with the following command:
$ perl path/to/ path/to/vcf/file path/to/database/directory -buildver hg19 -out {PREFIX} -remove -protocol refgene,ensGene,dbnsfp30a,ljb26_all -operation gx,gx,f,f -nastring . -vcfinput -polish -xref path/to/gene_fullxref.txt
and we used four databases refGene, ensGene, dbnsfp30a, and ljb26_all of the hg19 reference genome. The list of available databases of Annovar can be found here.
Besides, SIEVE is able to process another format of mutation maps where each line contains a chromosome label, a starting position number, an ending position number and a gene name, separated by any white spaces except new line.
Moreover, a list of disease-related genes from sources like COSMIC can also be used to filter out unrelated/uninterested mutations.
GeneAnnotator in SIEVE is developed for mutation mapping:
$ /path/to/applauncher GeneAnnotatorLauncher -help
Usage: geneannotator [-help] [-tree <input_tree_file>] [-snv <snv_file>] [-subst <i>] [-map <mutation_map_file>] [-anv <i>] [-filter <filtering_genes_file>] [-sep <i>] [-col <i>] [-out <out_tree_file>]
-help option to print this message -> OPTIONAL
-tree specifies a tree file annotated with genotypes. This is usually generated by VariantCaller and ended with '.intermediate_tree'. -> MANDATORY
-snv specifies a file containing variant sites information. This is usually generated by VariantCaller and ended with '.loci_info'. -> MANDATORY
-subst specifies the substitution model used to infer phylogeny and call variants (0: ScsFiniteMuExtendedModel). -> MANDATORY
-map specifies the mutation map. -> MANDATORY
-anv specifies when the value of --map option is an output of Annovar (0: tab-separated, 1: comma-separated). -> OPTIONAL
-filter specifies filtering genes file (headers required). -> OPTIONAL
-sep specifies the separator of filtering genes file (0: tab-separated; 1: comma-separated; default: 0). -> OPTIONAL
-col specifies the column index of gene names in the filtering genes file (starting from 0; default: 0). -> OPTIONAL
-out specifies the output tree file with genes annotated. -> OPTIONAL
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
This could happen when the input data contains many candidate SNV sites (e.g., > 5k). On Windows, macOS, and Linux with GUI, check the solutions here. If this error appears on Linux server without GUI, the easiest solution without root privilege is to simply runexport _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx10g"
can be increased as you need as long as it is within the server's capacity.