This repository provides program files for calculating means from Early Grade Reading Assessments.
Harmonized Learning outcomes are developed in a three step process.
- Mean learning outcomes are obtained from assessment data available. For information on the assessments available, please see Assessments included in Harmonized Learning Outcomes. Detailed list of country-year-assessment is available here. We provide do files for replicating mean scores for Programme d'analyse des systemes educatifs de la confemen (PASEC), Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRAs) and Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNAs). We also provide do files for Multiple Indicators Cluster SurveyS (MICS). The results from MICS have not been included in the Human Capital Index yet. Learning outcomes from all other assessments are used as published. The raw data and published report for these assessments (if needed) can be obtained from datalibweb. Please see Guidelines to retrieve HLO data from datalibweb. Mean scores are developed in two stages: a) First GLADs are developed from raw datasets. b) Means are calculated from GLADs.
The means are then used in the production of HLOs using exchange rates.